View Full Version : Creeker's Weekend Accomplishments.....

Dennis Peacock
07-26-2010, 8:20 AM
26 Jul 2010

Good Morning Everyone,
Besides working the day job, I've been trying to stay cool and do things inside during the hottest part of the day. Got a bit more shop cleaning done and trying to figure out if I need any more firewood for this winter. I do have some projects I need to work on, but I just can't seem to find the time right now with aging parents with failed kidneys and another with cancer. I just can't seem to find the time to get out in the shop and enjoy woodworking again and I know somebody out there understands exactly what I just said.

Well, that's it for me...so what did YOU do this past weekend?

Best of weeks to you all.

Matt Meiser
07-26-2010, 8:48 AM
Friday night my daughter had some friends over so we took them to the Chinese buffet for dinner and got caught in a torrential rain. Saturday morning/early afternoon was grocery shopping and TV watching because it was too hot for anything else. In the late afternoon we went to a multi-year reunion for LOML's high school. Sunday I ran all the molding so I can finally finish my parents kitchen. I need to sand it all and finish before installing but I'm a lot further than I've been for 8 months. Sunday evening worked because I need to take my truck in in a few minutes to get a slow leak in a tire that showed over the weekend taken care of. Luckily the TPMS warned me before it got too low. And yes, its not a sensor failure--tire gauge confirmed the low reading.

Kurt Aebi
07-26-2010, 8:50 AM
My sister was up from Pennsylvania last week and we started a coffee table (sort-of Mission style), well she was using my father's 2000 Dakota P/U truck and friday evening told me it sounded like it had a rub in the front end.

Spent Saturday replacing the Wheel Bearing/Hub Assembly, instead of finishing the coffee table.

When the table is finished, Pictures will be posted.

Scott Pearson
07-26-2010, 12:36 PM
Fairly uneventful, I cleaned the shop top to bottom, vacuumed under and around everything. My 10 year old daughter came out right before bed and wanted to work on something but did not have much time before bed. She mentioned that she wanted to saw so I drew lines on a board and had her practice cutting on the lines.


Jim Becker
07-26-2010, 5:00 PM
The normal equestrian pursuits as well as a nice barbecue/pool party to "beat the heat" on Saturday and then it was back in the shop on Sunday to finish up some equestrian jumps that will initially be used as decorations for a friend's daughter's bat mitzvah this fall and then be used for their obvious purpose...holding up poles for horses to jump over. While this is not "fine furniture woodworking", I did add a little challenge with the curved rail at the top. The family will be filling the screw pockets and joints with bondo, priming and finishing them in their daughter's "event colors".


Joe Shinall
07-26-2010, 6:30 PM
Friday night went to dinner with my LOML and my best friend. Talked about futures and that sort of stuff. Saturday we sat around and did absolutely nothing for once. Wifey was feeling drained from the pregnancy and I was just wore out. I planned out a new pegboard rack and sanding station and decided I would use a lot of the extra plywood I have in the shop and make some shoe shelves for the master closet. Did I build them? Heck no.

Sunday I caught 7 very long innings in 109 heat index. I needed to get in the shower just to dry off....

Jim O'Dell
07-26-2010, 8:58 PM
Saturday I cut the parts out to replace the broken arms on a chair my wife salvaged from the side of the road and is rebuilding. :confused: Something's wrong here. :D Planed down the remainder of the 4/4 QSWO I bought for the arms. Rested a little, then watched the Rangers game that evening. Sunday I finished burning the rest of the small limbs, except the parts with the leaves, so it is all out of the backyard now. That took about 4 1/2 hours. Why can't I do this when it's 40 degrees outside so that the fire would feel good????? Since I don't have a good way to keep burning leaves from flying around, I'll just have to dispose of them slowly in the trash. Sure wish we had bulk pick up here.
I'm off for the next week, except next Saturday, so I can be here as my wife recovers from her surgery tomorrow. I'm afraid she is going to hurt a lot more than she thinks she will. Please keep her and her surgeons in your thoughts and prayers! Jim.