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View Full Version : NE Bowl - Updated with Pictures

Rich Aldrich
07-25-2010, 9:26 PM
I roughed out a cherry natural edge bowl this evening. Should I air dry the bowl or use DNA? I consider it turned final (except for the tennon) and plan to sand it when it is dry.

I left all of the bark on but one little piece that I can't find. I can either get rid of the rest of the bark or make a piece to fit.

Allen Neighbors
07-25-2010, 9:36 PM
Someone else will have more 'smarts' to answer this than I. I don't know much about Cherry, other than it cracks if you look at it wrong. You didn't glare at it, did you?

James Combs
07-25-2010, 10:43 PM
Got a nice basket look to it. Can't help you on the drying/finishing issue.

Bernie Weishapl
07-25-2010, 10:45 PM
Good looking piece. Sometimes you can fit a piece of bark in if you can't find it.

David E Keller
07-25-2010, 10:46 PM
I don't know much about cherry, but I'd go ahead and get rid of the tenon to reduce the thickness of the bottom.

I think Allen is right... Just avoid eye contact with it for a while.

Josh Bowman
07-25-2010, 10:52 PM
I just did a cherry bowl finished it with tung oil, it's holding up so far. As for the missing bark, some of the folks here told me to use a black sharpe.
ya, sure, by golly gee! (I see you're from the U.P.)

John Keeton
07-26-2010, 7:05 AM
Rich, I know little about cherry, but I doubt the DNA thing would make much difference at this point. I would, however, get a finish on it quickly to slow down the drying. And, I agree with David on getting the tenon off.

Rich Aldrich
07-26-2010, 6:29 PM
Thanks for the help. I always thought if you put a finish on wet wood, it would mold. So, I was going to let it dry. I'll take your advice on sanding, finishing and get rid of the tennon.

William Bachtel
07-26-2010, 8:03 PM
You can fit a piece of cherry bark on it and then sand it to fit, no one will notice but you. I turn most all of my N/E bowls start to finish green, turn them down below l/2 inch in thickest, and cut the tenon off, but make sure you can re flatten the bottom when its finished drying. Nice bowl, nice shape for a first time Natural Edger.

Steve Schlumpf
07-26-2010, 9:05 PM
Good looking natural edge bowl Rich!

Personally - I would double bag it in order to slow down the drying process. Removing the tenon would be a good idea because if left - chances are it will crack at that point because it is thicker than the rest of your bowl. The idea is to slow down the drying process - not prevent it.

Again, just me, but I would not put any finish on it if it is really green wood. There are ways you can do it but at this stage - just double bag it and give it some time.