View Full Version : 2 week vacation from toolmaking- some real shop time

Dave Anderson NH
12-06-2004, 10:22 PM
I've been pretty busy making tools and getting ahead for the Christmas season so it's been starting to get repetitive. I have decided to give myself at least a 2 week break and maybe with luck I'll not make more tools until after the holidays. A friend gifted me with some very nice pieces of Fiddleback Maple on Sunday and I think that I'll try to do some flat work for a change of pace. I also need to do shop maintenence and do some rearranging to make things more efficient. I might even find the time to buy the lumber for the new bench I've been procrastinating about for the last year or two. Heck, the plans have been drawn for months.

The pix below taken tonite will show why I decided I needed a toolmaking break. My lathe isn't the only thing which has been spinning.

John Miliunas
12-06-2004, 10:32 PM
A very well-deserved vacation, I'd say! Wow!!! :eek: That's a load of work, by golly. Ah, but you make such pretty tools! They look (and work!) wonderful! :cool:

Tyler Howell
12-06-2004, 10:41 PM
Beautiful stuff.
I see Chester Tool works is Gracing the the pages of The Tools For WW catalogue. Congratulations.
My striking knife and scratch awl were a big hit in class and in my shop!!:cool:

Bob Smalser
12-06-2004, 11:40 PM

But I've seen the retail prices...you work for too little money, IMO....unless your duplicator also does the finish sanding. Any collector not buying this Chester Toolworks stuff up is nuts.

Oh....also didn't know you ran a "boutique", Dave. ;)

Again...wonderful work.

Lou Morrissette
12-07-2004, 9:01 AM
Busy would be a serious understatement. Nice looking work, Dave. Next trip up to Highland Hardwoods, I'd love to check out your shop.

Jim Becker
12-07-2004, 10:01 AM
Yes, Dave...you deserve some quality shop time doing some "non-tool-making" activities! You have an impressive inventory there, however...and while the pictures are nice, I assure anyone that your work is even better in person from what I saw at Five Barns!!

Dave Anderson NH
12-07-2004, 10:31 AM
Thanks for the compliments.

Bob- I've worked hard to become faster and more efficient in my turning without sacrificing quality, but I don't own a duplicating lathe. It's still all by hand and eye and the sanding takes almost no time. As for pricing, since it's a sideline I don't need to get greedy. The whole purpose is to defray the cost of my tool habit.:D As for "boutique", I prefer to think of it as "bespoke tools".:rolleyes:

Lou- Next ime you're headed up this way PM me and make arrangements to drop on by. If I'm home the door is always open to SMC folks and other woodworkers. I'm a 15 minute drive from Highland Hardwoods.

Bob Smalser
12-07-2004, 11:49 AM
Bob- I've worked hard to become faster and more efficient in my turning without sacrificing quality, but I don't own a duplicating lathe. It's still all by hand and eye and the sanding takes almost no time.

That sir, is even more impressive.

Carl Eyman
12-07-2004, 1:45 PM
If I ordered a marking knife, do you suppose "someone on your staff" could hand deliver it to me at Williamsburg, COD?

Mark Singer
12-07-2004, 2:02 PM
Beautiful work!!!! Now enjoy the time off!

Dave Anderson NH
12-07-2004, 2:47 PM
I'll have to check with the boss, but who knows what she'll say.:D Actually I plan to bring a full stock selection with me to Williamsburg and have already reserved a table space at the banquet to do a display and a little selling.

Did you notice that Phil Lowe has been awarded the 2005 Cartouche? I'll introduce you to him banquet nite. I am proud to be the one who sponsored and nominated him.