View Full Version : Magic Wands

Mark Hubl
07-25-2010, 1:46 AM
Last week we had some house guests. My wifes Godson, his sister and their parents visited from Texas. We had a great time. The kids were very interested in the goings on in the wood shop. They spent an hour watching me turn and asking questions.

Before they left they were given some little boxes and since we had watched a Harry Potter movie they wondered if I could make them some magic wands on the turny machine. Well the order for the little wizards is complete and will be shipped off soon.

A couple of wands made of Cocobolo and some dowel rod. I think they will do good spells.

Thom Sturgill
07-25-2010, 7:25 AM
Very good. I've made a few (10 grandkids). I really like the little bead detail at the point, should make them a little safer and looks good too. Cocobolo has long been one of my favorite woods.

John Keeton
07-25-2010, 7:51 AM
Mark, what a great idea!! Those are really neat. What did you do on the dowel rods for a finish? Looks like they have been lightened with something. Love the beading - very nice work.

Josh Bowman
07-25-2010, 7:55 AM
Wonderful idea, I like the button detail on the back end.

Jim Underwood
07-25-2010, 9:19 AM
Is the button detail on the end of the handle actually the end of the dowel rod? If so, that's a great idea to keep structural integrity of the wand while embellishing the handle.

I like the details on the shaft too. Great job, I'm sure that the kids will love them!

Paul Douglass
07-25-2010, 9:37 AM
When I read the title I thought why would grown persons fool around making "magic" wands. Now I read and see. Makes me wish my Grandkids were younger so they would like something like that. Beautiful work. They will be the envy-ed by Harry himself.

David E Keller
07-25-2010, 10:47 AM
Nicely done. I also like the little rounded detail at the tip and the little bead at the handle. I'm betting my son gets into Potter soon enough, so I may have a wand or two in my future.

Jeff Hamilton Jr.
07-25-2010, 10:59 AM
Those wands look fabulous! What a great idea (I needed another excuse to get into the garage . . .) My daughter (1st grader) just began reading the books on her own . . . she's going to love this. Hopefully I can pull it off as nicely as you've done.

Did you just use standard Borg dowel rods?


Bernie Weishapl
07-25-2010, 12:12 PM
Those are beauties Mark. I like the detail.

charlie knighton
07-25-2010, 12:17 PM
very nice....

Greg Just
07-25-2010, 12:34 PM
Nice job and a great idea. This might even be a nice beginners project for the kids to start with. Thanks for sharing.

Mark Hubl
07-25-2010, 11:29 PM
Thanks all. These are a kick. A great chance to practice with the skew on the wand shafts. I turned the shafts first and then the handles and assembled them.

What did you do on the dowel rods for a finish? Looks like they have been lightened with something. Love the beading - very nice work.

John, The dowel rods were sourced from Hobby Lobby. I was looking for some holly and had no luck. When I was in Hobby Lobby they had a package of 1' dowel rods. They were all quite light. (Made in China, so mystery wood) No finish except Beall buff and wax.

Is the button detail on the end of the handle actually the end of the dowel rod?

Thanks Jim, the detail on the handle is a Bead from the jewelery section at Hobby Lobby. I went there to get something with an initial for the kids but did not find anything I liked. The bead is just glued into the handle. The shafts go about an 1 1/2" into the handle.