View Full Version : Attempted Finial #3

David DeCristoforo
07-24-2010, 8:25 PM
What happened to #2? Well it came out pretty much like #1 except that it was a bit thinner. This one is starting to show some hope. Still going... BTW, The "chunk" on the bottom is going to get turned into a tapered "stopper" at some point...


I wanted a longer point on the top but I ran out of wood....

David E Keller
07-24-2010, 8:48 PM
I think it looks great. You've mastered finials in three short attempts. Watch your back Keeton!:eek::D

Steve Schlumpf
07-24-2010, 8:54 PM
That's looking pretty good David!

Baxter Smith
07-24-2010, 10:05 PM
This one is a lot more pleasing to my eye. Not that that means anything!:)

John Hart
07-24-2010, 10:09 PM
Much better sir. Remember...you don't have to use steel to make it thinner. Sandpaper works just as good.

....just in case you're gettin' skeered.;)

David Christopher
07-24-2010, 10:12 PM
David, I havent been around for awhile. when did you start turning.....BTW your finial looks good to me

John Keeton
07-24-2010, 10:18 PM
David, you have really done great with this one! You need to get some African Blackwood to try - it is so much more workable IMO.

I wanted a longer point on the top but I ran out of wood....I usually start at the tip and work backward, but whatever method you are using works!!

dan carter
07-24-2010, 10:19 PM
David, it looks good. Now to see what you are going to put it on.

David DeCristoforo
07-24-2010, 10:26 PM
"You've mastered finials in three short attempts..."

Most kind but this hardly represents "mastery". The room for improvement is vast. I see a loooong road ahead...

"I usually start at the tip and work backward..."

But then I might run out of wood on the other end! But I just might try that anyway...

"You need to get some African Blackwood..."

Might just try that too. But I have a long standing love affair with rosewood...

"David, I havent been around for awhile. when did you start turning...."

I posted some pics of my first lathe work in almost twenty years on the 19th of May of this year.

"...you don't have to use steel to make it thinner. Sandpaper works just as good.....just in case you're gettin' skeered..."

Actually, I don't mind wrapping my fingers around an 1/8" thick stick spinning at three thousand RPM whilst stabbing it with a sharp chisel held in the other hand... But I have already discovered the usefulness of eighty grit sandpaper!

Mark Hubl
07-24-2010, 10:45 PM
Looking good. This one has nice proportions and a more petite feel. I broke two today and one was just parting off the end. These are fun! Good job.

David DeCristoforo
07-24-2010, 10:47 PM
"You need to get some African Blackwood ..."

I just discovered that African blackwood is a Dalbergia. So I guess it would be OK for me to use it...

Bernie Weishapl
07-24-2010, 11:53 PM
That is one nice looking finial.

Tom Sherman
07-25-2010, 12:07 AM
I agree this uns a keeper

Allen Neighbors
07-25-2010, 12:43 AM
Way to go, Double D!! And your doing them backwards??? Good Heavens, Man... Control yourself!! :D
Beats any I've ever made, and I've made many more than three.

Thom Sturgill
07-25-2010, 7:37 AM
Nice job, but it DOES sound like you are working backwards.

Start at the tailstock and work toward the chuck, and never back up. A SHARP detail chisel ground with a fingernail grind and a bevel angle 25-35 degrees works well WITHOUT having to wrap you fingers around the back. Glide on the bevel with no lateral pressure. Pressure should be in the direction of the cut. V cuts, beads and coves should be done while near the unturned portion of the cylendar so that you have support from the chuck. At least, that's what my instructor taught me!

YMMV, and your third is a lot better than my sixth or seventh!