View Full Version : My Dog Is Stupid

John Hart
07-23-2010, 10:00 PM
I was just out at the shop with my buddy the chainsaw, cutting up some cherry and birch blanks. Meanwhile, there's this big storm coming.

Now, my dog, the brave and loyal Frau Duncan
is afraid of gunshots and thunder. Not all gunshots...just certain ones. And thunder? Well...it can be the quiet rolling thunder....or the boom thunder...doesn't matter. She's afraid of it.
And she'll destroy any human or animal that gets in her way of running away from it.

So...there I am...chainsawing away. I don't hear the thunder because I am responsible and wearing my ear plugs.;) Here comes the dog. And she's pushing up against me as if to say, "make it stop daddy...make it stop"

"Dog! Cut it out!!", I sez. But she can't stand it. So she lays down on my feet...next to the chopping block while I'm chainsawing. Shavings are covering her....The chainsaw is blaring away. GOD IN HEAVEN COULDN'T HEAR THE THUNDER...for crying out loud.

My dog is stupid.

Steve Schlumpf
07-23-2010, 10:04 PM
Kind of your own version of an early storm warning service! Hope you paid attention and got inside before it rained!

Ron Crosby
07-23-2010, 10:06 PM
Don't see how that makes your dog "stupid". :confused:

Mine hates thunder too, their senses are WAY more sharper than ours. Just cuz YOU don't hear the thunder doesn't mean the dog is stupid. Us yanks certainly have a weird way with words.

John Hart
07-23-2010, 10:17 PM
Oh...Ron..don't get me wrong. I know that their senses are much better. And I don't fault her for that. My point is that she would rather lay next to a running chainsaw than listen to mild thunder. Its crazy I tell ya.

I was under cover Steve. My shop has a large awning where I can work without getting rained on. I did abandon my work when the lightning got too close though. :)

Tom Sherman
07-23-2010, 10:22 PM
Frau Duncan may not be as dumb as you think John, she was layin under you and you were holding the chainsaw. In case lightning started you were above her and had metal in your hands. Critters are a real delight.;)

Mark Hubl
07-23-2010, 10:29 PM
A dog that wants to come in out of the rain is a good thing. Smarter then some of the bunch I hang around with!

Karl Card
07-23-2010, 10:32 PM
hmmm maybe she has an addiction..... uhmmm lacquer fumes...maybe..lol

John Hart
07-23-2010, 10:37 PM
ok ok ok OK!! So she's not stupid. Sheesh. I was just a little surprised that she preferred a two stroke engine at high RPM.

But, you're all correct...she's smarter than any dog I've ever had. And yes...she'll lay right near where I'm spraying lacquer.....Big ol smile on her face. :)

alex carey
07-23-2010, 11:03 PM
I'm with you John, soon as "dogmanity" puts a dog on the moon then they can be smart until then they are as my grandpa says "el dumo".

Michael James
07-23-2010, 11:08 PM
and a fine looking canine, she be! My male bassett has panic attacks with thunder but not as bad as he used to. The neighbors across the street lit fireworks for about 3hrs many yrs ago and I think the gunpowder and sulpher just overdosed him. :eek: Sorta like a 1 time learning, associated with the sounds.

David E Keller
07-23-2010, 11:19 PM
She's a beautiful dog. I've got a beagle mix that likes to lay right by the lathe and get covered in curls... She's just a daddy's girl.

bob svoboda
07-24-2010, 9:59 AM
That's a dog after my own heart. I have a big, dumb jerk of a dog too-my best buddy. Likes to lay in the shavings and hides in the shower on the 4th of July.

Tom Sherman
07-24-2010, 10:11 AM
I have two (Bassetts) they are unaffected by thunder or fireworks, can actually sleep undisturbed through it all. Until recently I had a bloodhound sheppard mix that was completely terrified by thunder and fireworks use to try to get as close to us as possible during those events(imagine a 135 pound dog trying to get in you lap)