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View Full Version : Why 31.62 degrees

Carl Miller
07-22-2010, 1:00 PM
I've never had a compound miter saw before, and recently bought a used one. It has a notch for 31.62 degrees. Can someone tell me what is the signficance of that angle. It doesn't go into 360 evenly, yet now that I've started looking, almost all miter saws have that indent.

Cliff Holmes
07-22-2010, 1:02 PM
IIRC, that's used for cutting crown moulding.

Kevin Grady
07-22-2010, 1:03 PM
Yep. it's for crown moulding

Dick Bringhurst
07-22-2010, 1:49 PM
OK I'll bite. For what application with crown molding? Dick B.

Neil Brooks
07-22-2010, 1:52 PM
I THINK I can post this link (http://www.ehow.com/how_4867458_cut-molding-compound-miter-saw.html)....

Peter Quinn
07-22-2010, 8:57 PM
If you cut crown Nested, that is up on the fence with its spring angle as it will appear on the wall, all you need is a miter angle for out side corners, which should be around 45 degrees. But for cutting crown laying flat on the table, you need to set a compound angle with both a miter and a bevel. 31.62 is the miter angle for a 38/52 degree standard crown. You may find your saw also has a bevel detent around 30 degrees too. Mine has and I don't even remember the angle anymore, I just set the saw to it and cut.