View Full Version : Drill Press is Buzzing

John Hart
07-22-2010, 7:21 AM
I was just out in the shop this morning putting some anchorseal on some blanks...when I heard a slight buzz. Sorta like the sound that my fluorescent lights make. But....the lights weren't on. It definitely sounded like an electrical short. So, I moved slowly through the shop and found that it was coming from my drill press...right at the power switch. I thought, "Oh no...I got a problem here". So I reached over to unplug it.....and...hmmmmm....it's already unplugged.:eek:

I don't know whats in there...and I don't think I want to find out. It ain't no spider. ;)

Gary Max
07-22-2010, 8:03 AM
Run John--------them there critters is Hornets.

Keep us posted

John Keeton
07-22-2010, 8:13 AM
Mud daubers!! That's what is in there - I would bet on it! This is their time for building nests.

David E Keller
07-22-2010, 8:22 AM
How long since you last lacquer exposure? Is is just a buzzing sound or do you actually hear voices?

Andy Hoyt
07-22-2010, 10:40 AM
Are you telling us that a 403 pound mud dauber with a hornet's head and short range tactical pincher thingies has got you up on tippy toes running around in circles with your arms over your head screaming, "Help Me"?

No guts, no glory.

Bernie Weishapl
07-22-2010, 10:42 AM
Could be a lacquer buzz John? :eek:

Ken Fitzgerald
07-22-2010, 10:55 AM

If you plug each ear with a finger, can you still hear the buzzing sound?

Just wondering......:rolleyes:

John Hart
07-22-2010, 11:18 AM
Ok. I get it. You guys just want to be mean. (sniff.)

You think this is all in my mind. (sniff sniff)

You think..sniff....hmmmmm...hey, that smells pretty good!!

'cuse me. I gotta do something. Be back in a bit.;)

Gary Max
07-22-2010, 11:47 AM
No ----NO----John-----don't spray Raid on the drill press

Ken Fitzgerald
07-22-2010, 11:49 AM
John......Raid ain't lacquer! Don't be sniffing it!

Gary....you really gotta be careful with what words you use around some people.;)

John Hart
07-22-2010, 12:21 PM
Andy is right (for once):rolleyes:

In order to prove my manhood, it is imperative that I find out what is in the drillpress. And I must do it by feel. And I must do it with my bare hands. (Gosh...I feel the testosterone flowing already)

When I get off work today...I will remove the two power switch mounting screws, and gently pull the plate away from the housing...ever so slightly.

And with some Jaws music playing in the background, I will probe around inside that housing with my middle finger. Thinking of you the whole time.:)

Gary Max
07-22-2010, 1:13 PM
Heck -------Raid was a better ideal than that.

Ken Fitzgerald
07-22-2010, 3:20 PM
Heck -------Raid was a better ideal than that.

He refuses to share his lacquer with any insects.

Ken Fitzgerald
07-22-2010, 3:23 PM
BTW John.......think about this as you stick your finger in there.....

Do you know what sound a baby rattle snake makes?:confused:

Roland Martin
07-22-2010, 3:42 PM
Better hit the lacquer hard before you touch them screws. May as well go down with a smile:)

Don Geiger
07-22-2010, 3:58 PM
The 25th is a full moon. You might want to wait until midnight on Sunday before venturing into the unknown!


David E Keller
07-22-2010, 7:00 PM
I want to know what was in the drill press!

John Hart
07-22-2010, 7:16 PM
I'm not done workin' yet David. Gimme an hour. Just hold yer horsies:D

Gary Max
07-22-2010, 7:44 PM
Heck John you said after work---we are all sitting around just waiting on this update.

Andy Hoyt
07-22-2010, 7:52 PM
So. The horses that were cruelly withheld from the Hart girls are now in David's care? Do I have the right?

And how on earth do horses have anything to do with that tyranosaurnonormus allegedly hiding in the drill press?

John Hart
07-22-2010, 8:13 PM
Ok...mystery over.
Start the Jaws soundtrack...duh duh......duh duh......duh duh..duh duh

Here's a picture of the evil drill press

Evil Drill Press after the screws are removed

Removing cover while taking picture (slowly)


Looking up in the top

So I put the camera down and stuck my finger down in the lower recess part of the housing.

YYEEEEEAAAAHHH!!! A big ol' black carpenter bee shoves past my finger and comes out right at my face!!

I'm all better now.:o

John Keeton
07-22-2010, 8:19 PM
John, fortunately for you, the males don't sting and the females rarely do. But, does this mean you have some in your shop? When we bought our place, the barn was infested. Found out each generation comes back to the same place to lay their eggs. It takes about 3 years to get rid of them, but we have the barn sprayed every spring when we see the first one flying around, as well as some of our wood decking and porches on the house. Those suckers bore in horizontally - sometimes 3-4 feet - and lay their eggs. Then the mature larvae bore their way out. Pretty much riddles barn timbers!!

Andy Hoyt
07-22-2010, 8:42 PM
Guess the spider talked to this guy, huh?

And therefore knew that your face was ground zero.

Face mask help any?

You were wearing protection, John?


Allen Neighbors
07-22-2010, 9:04 PM
I have been around the world four times, and been to two county fairs, and I ain't never seen nothing like Sawmill Creek. I love it. :D
Mud Daubers... hmmpff... how'd they get under the switch plate?... :D

John Hart
07-22-2010, 9:04 PM
No...I don't need no stinkin' protection!!! I'm going to find that spider.:mad:

John...yep...we have a carpenter bee problem. When we got here over 4 years ago, I pretty much ignored them. But I started spraying for the last two years. Don't see many these days...but there's some stragglers. So I keep sprayin'

I got stung by one once. Gosh..how unpleasant!

Tom Sherman
07-22-2010, 9:05 PM
looks like John needs a enta...entom...a bug professor to excerise those creepy crawlers out of his shop. Next thing you know he'll find a python in there.;)

John Hart
07-22-2010, 9:06 PM
I have been around the world four times, and been to two county fairs, and I ain't never seen nothing like Sawmill Creek. I love it. :D
Mud Daubers... hmmpff... how'd they get under the switch plate?... :D

there was one point of entrance...through the wire harness hole. Not much room, but probably enough to get in....but can't get out.

If I would have left him alone...he woulda died of starvation.

Gary Max
07-22-2010, 9:10 PM
Buzzing the whole time

David E Keller
07-22-2010, 9:48 PM
Does anybody make a turning helmet with a bug net rather than a face shield? I've never heard of Hart being threatened by flying wood, but bugs seem to be the bane of his existence.:D

Matt Ranum
07-22-2010, 10:18 PM
Well ya just never know what your gonna learn about at this place. Growing Christmas trees I have had lots and lots of run ins with various types of bees over the years but never even heard of a carpenter bee before today.

This is what I run into most http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bald-faced_hornet

Nasty son of a guns and I do mean NASTY! First bees I ever ran into that post sentry(s) around their nests.

James Combs
07-22-2010, 11:00 PM
John, fortunately for you, the males don't sting and the females rarely do. But, does this mean you have some in your shop? When we bought our place, the barn was infested. Found out each generation comes back to the same place to lay their eggs. It takes about 3 years to get rid of them, but we have the barn sprayed every spring when we see the first one flying around, as well as some of our wood decking and porches on the house. Those suckers bore in horizontally - sometimes 3-4 feet - and lay their eggs. Then the mature larvae bore their way out. Pretty much riddles barn timbers!!

Do those little dudes look like small bumble bees?? If so I had (he/she is squished now) at least one boring into my left door gable brace of the shop. I dislike bees with a passion. They are about the only thing except pollen that I know I am allergic to.

Karl Card
07-23-2010, 2:37 AM
changed lacquer brands lately john?

Tom Sherman
07-23-2010, 6:50 AM
Ok...mystery over.
Start the Jaws soundtrack...duh duh......duh duh......duh duh..duh duh

Here's a picture of the evil drill press

Evil Drill Press after the screws are removed

Removing cover while taking picture (slowly)


Looking up in the top

So I put the camera down and stuck my finger down in the lower recess part of the housing.

YYEEEEEAAAAHHH!!! A big ol' black carpenter bee shoves past my finger and comes out right at my face!!

I'm all better now.:o
After being confined in the switch box all day I bet that poor little bee had to go peee really bad.:eek:

John Hart
07-23-2010, 7:07 AM
Do those little dudes look like small bumble bees??

They look like bumble bees but not as striking of colors. Mostly black...not as hairy. But they do get big. Best preventive measure IMHO is to spray 90 day insecticide on all your exterior wood surfaces. When they target a spot, they go off and die a lonely death.

John Hart
07-23-2010, 7:11 AM
Does anybody make a turning helmet with a bug net rather than a face shield? I've never heard of Hart being threatened by flying wood, but bugs seem to be the bane of his existence.:D

That's for sure. Although, my only real insect problems are spiders and bees. Everything else is killed off by the bazillion birds around here. We live on the edge of a marsh...but mosquitos are rare. The pheasants and the guineas comb the property for fleas and ticks. We don't even see grasshopper very much.

Course...there's the flies. That has something to do with the abundance of horsey poop around here.:rolleyes:

John Hart
07-23-2010, 7:11 AM
changed lacquer brands lately john?

Sheesh.....Never!!! :p:D

John Hart
07-23-2010, 7:12 AM
After being confined in the switch box all day I bet that poor little bee had to go peee really bad.:eek:

Good! Hope he had a miserable day.:rolleyes:

Maylon Harvey
07-23-2010, 9:49 PM
John I have those bees. What brand/kind of spray do you use?

John Hart
07-23-2010, 10:28 PM
John I have those bees. What brand/kind of spray do you use?

Hi Maylon
I use Spectracide Triazicide. http://www.amazon.com/SPECTRACIDE-TRIAZICIDE-ONCE-AND-DONE/dp/B0037ASSNQ

Costs about $10 at walmart and it's a concentrate...something like 2 tablespoons per gallon. But I make mine at about a 1/2 a cup per gallon and get much longer term results. It says that it is a 90 day solution, but I've found that it keeps killing for 6-9 months.

Spray it on all surfaces and if you see any bee holes...spray it those too. I bought one of those 2 gallon hand pump up garden sprayers. Works great and the stream will reach high places.

Maylon Harvey
07-23-2010, 10:44 PM
Thanks John, I'll give it a try.

Allen Neighbors
07-24-2010, 7:22 PM
Time to tell us what you found behind the switch plate..... :D

Roger Chandler
07-24-2010, 7:41 PM
Time to tell us what you found behind the switch plate..... :D


John posted that he found a carpenter bee trapped in the switch box. somehow it got in, but could not get itself out.

Allen Neighbors
07-25-2010, 2:30 PM
The reason I didn't see John's answer to my post, and the cause of the buzzing, is that this forum program keeps hiding some of the posts.
"More posts below this level" ... what's up with that? Why not show all the posts when you open a page?
grit yer teeth.... count to ten..... John's word: Sheesh!

John Hart
07-25-2010, 3:19 PM
Allen...perhaps you are in "Threaded Mode" instead of "Linear Mode" on the forum. This is set in the User CP

Click on User CP in the upper left of this screen
Look at the menus on the left
Go down to Settings & Options
Click on Edit Options

Down near the bottom of the page you will see Thread Display Options

Thats where you set your Thread Display Mode. Linear is really the best one, because people don't really post on SMC in such a way that the Threaded Mode would work correctly.

Allen Neighbors
07-25-2010, 7:55 PM
John, thanks for clearing that up for me. I did as you suggested, so maybe it'll keep my blood pressure down... (I really don't have BP problems... Computers just tick me off, naturally.) :)