View Full Version : leaky cedar

Richard Chan
07-20-2010, 1:54 PM
I made a couple of andirondack chairs, but before I could finish sticky sap leached out of the boards. I could sand them off but what to prevent the sap from leaking through again? What can I use to seal the boards so it doesn't happen again?
I forgot the cedar in question is Atlantic white cedar.



Gary Max
07-20-2010, 2:24 PM
I build Cedar Furniture-----you can't stop the sap.
Cedar must be dry before it is used or you can run into this trouble. Also the time of year the wood is cut becomes a big deal.
Sorry I know this is not what you wanted to hear.

Richard Chan
07-20-2010, 2:38 PM
The cedar is dry whe I bought it and then it sat in my basement for ~6 monthe before I started the project.

I don't know when it was harvested.

Will shellac seal the wood?

Gary Max
07-20-2010, 4:08 PM
There is nothing that will stop the sap from bleeding through. The really bad part of this is that it may take years for the sap to bleed out of the wood---or it could stop in the morning.