View Full Version : New piece & Story

Steve Trauthwein
07-14-2010, 11:26 AM
Hello All,

As I have mentioned before, I have a show this weekend and I was finishing this piece for it. It is a piece of red oak and I really liked the way it turned out. I was excited to see how people would react to it.

It had been sitting in the family room curing for about a week and I took it to the lathe to buff it out the other day. I was just about finished buffing the face of it when it was jerked out of my hands and ended up on the piece of plywood beneath the lathe. It wasn't split in two so I figured no harm, no foul. Upon closer inspection I noticed that a piece of the bark at the upper right hand corner had been knocked off. I thought no problem, I will find it and glue it back on. I probably spent an hour on my hands and knees in the shop when I decided it must have blown apart.

My wife had been admiring the piece for several days so I thought, Linda will find a place for this and be glad to have it. I gave it to her that afternoon explaining what happened with the bark and as I had anticipated she was delighted to have the piece.

Later on that day we were in the shop and she stood in front of the lathe and put her hands on her hips and said "Ok, so were could that piece of bark have gone". After I finished laughing I told her she was welcomed to look but I thought it would be fruitless.

It has ended with me agreeing to fix the piece for her. Critiques and comments welcomed.

Regards, Steve

Dennis Ford
07-14-2010, 12:49 PM
I like it! This is a difficult shape to do with oak, you did a good job on it. I did not notice the missing bark, have you repaired it already?

Tim Rinehart
07-14-2010, 1:22 PM
I like it Steve. I did two of these similarly from crotch from pecan and one from dogwood...the pecan one in the Art Challenge.

I think these are fun and not too terribly difficult...but keeping bark on NE lends extra need for concentration...and a clean tidy floor 'just in case'.

I know the feeling all too well on hands and knees looking around for the piece that flew off...or suitable substitute.

Great job.

Steve Trauthwein
07-14-2010, 1:23 PM
Hi Dennis,

I took this photo before I broke the bark off.

Regards, Steve

Frank Van Atta
07-14-2010, 2:35 PM
I think it's a beautiful piece. Well done. Prettiest oak I've seen lately.

Steve Schlumpf
07-14-2010, 2:52 PM
Great looking platter Steve! Best of luck with your show this weekend!

John Keeton
07-14-2010, 3:29 PM
I admire you guys that do these "balancing acts!!" Nice work, Steve, and good luck with it at the show!

Michelle Rich
07-14-2010, 3:36 PM
been there, done that. I love stories with pictures. thanks for sharin..nifty piece

Bernie Weishapl
07-14-2010, 9:09 PM
Steve that looks great. Good luck with the show.

Allen Neighbors
07-14-2010, 9:31 PM
Great piece of Oak, Steve. Hope you have a real good sale. And, I hope you still have all your fingers, after turning that propeller. :D