View Full Version : Early-bird Registration for DWR Now Open

David Walser
07-13-2010, 8:04 AM
This is just FYI: I just received an email from my local club informing me that early-bird registration for this coming February's Desert Woodturning Roundup is now open. Early registration, which closes September 7th, saves $20 a person ($40/couple). It also helps our local club make the large deposits required by the Mesa Convention Center and other vendors.

The DWR will be held February 18, 19, & 20, 2011 in Mesa, Arizona.

Here's a link where you can learn more: http://www.desertwoodturningroundup.com/

Note: I have no official capacity with the DWR (although I hope to run a video camera or some such).

Jason Clark2
07-14-2010, 1:50 AM
Unlike David I do have an official capacity with the DWR. I've been working for several months on the demonstrator lineup. I think the lineup covers a wide variety of turning styles and techniques. Mike Mahoney, Lyle Jamieson, Christian Burchard, Mark Sfirri, Stephen Hatcher, Don Ward, Al Stirt, and Ron Goble.

There also aren't many better placed to be in the middle of winter than Arizona. Highs will probably be in the 70s.


Martin Braun
07-16-2010, 3:02 AM
Yeah, it usually doesn't rain here that time of year as well.

We got some feedback last year that a few folks might be interested in one day registration. That is a new registration option this year.