View Full Version : Jessem miter gauge issues

Scott Driemel
07-11-2010, 3:37 PM
Having bought a newer cabinet saw I figured it was time to invest in a quality after market miter gauge. I looked at several, read magazine reviews and reviewed everything I could find. The one that I chose was the Jessem model. It seemed to get the best magazine reviews. Then, I see it's now been discontinued. The question was "why". I saw a couple of reviews by mechanical engineers on the net who advised that the gauge had too much slop in it. I read some other reviews that claimed this as well. Then it seemed that some were sloppy, some were fine. It looked like a quality control issue. Being close to or over $200 I called Jessem. They advised they had stopped production as they were unable to continue the degree of accuracy in their manufacturing on this item but were hopeful a new model would be on the way soon.
So the question asked is therefore, if the Jessem is out, what is the consensus on the next best thing?

glenn bradley
07-11-2010, 5:43 PM
When JessEm is going good they make some great stuff. They really seem to have their ups and downs in everything from their customer service to their supply pipeline. I wish them well and hope they can stabilize long term.

As to big dollar after market miter gauges. Many are a big step up from an OEM gauge. Some are subject to the "Tim Allen" effect for sure but, the value of any given feature will vary on the type of work you do.

For straight 45* cuts I have not found any gauge that will match a simple shop made sled for repeatability but, a sled can be limiting. If you do a lot of varied angles I would ask folks who do that type of work what they like or dislike about the method they have decided on.

Dubby, Incra, Rockler, Osborne, Accu-miter, different versions have points that are important to different people. I own a couple Incra V-27's with a telescoping aluminum fence on the one for the TS and a non-tele on the one for the RT. I also have 4 sleds for various purposes, one for 45* cuts for frames.

Bill LaPointe
07-11-2010, 5:48 PM
I have been very satisfied with all of the Incra products I have purchased. Support, if needed, is spectacular. I have their 1000SE and it has worked well for me.

Mark Major
07-11-2010, 6:26 PM
Scott, give Darrin Smith (owner of JessEm) a call or send him an email, he will help you with any of your concerns.


Brent Smith
07-11-2010, 9:27 PM
I have both the Osborne and Accu-Miter. The Osborne is my go to, but for thicker lumber (> 2") I prefer the bulk of the Accu-Miter. I've read where some complain of sloppyness with the Osborne, but have never had this problem myself.

Van Huskey
07-11-2010, 10:35 PM
Unfortunately, miter gauges are like underwear, what is perfect for some may be the bain of the shop for others. They are not like ROS where everyone would probably agree the Bosch and Festool are both great sanders but argue one is a "little" better than the other.

I persoanally like Incra gauges, though they are not perfect they give me good value and accuracy throughout the range. For me a 45* and 90* sled along with a Incra 1000 SE is a hard trio to beat.

Philip Johnson
07-11-2010, 10:38 PM
I bought the Jessem one a year or so ago and, it looked nice and seemed to be made well but had the issue with play in it. I took it back and got the Incra 1000 HD and have been happy with it. I still liked the quality look of the Jessem but it just was not accurate.


Scott Driemel
07-11-2010, 11:03 PM
I have to admit Phil I was lured to the JessEm like a sailor to the siren on the rocks. All that precision, the micro adjust, all the solid extension capabilities and the hardware was like a work of art! Solid solid SOLID! Such a bust regrading the accuracy, man I came close to buying one just before I did the research.
Your so right Van, I sometimes think I could have asked which is best "Chevy or Ford" but I think the consensus showed a couple of models, the Incra & the Osborne which have their solid followings. I've asked the JessEm people to let me know when the new release might be out. Perhaps if it's not too long I'll wait but I'm probably leaning to the Osborne if it is not in the works yet.

michael flay
07-12-2010, 9:14 PM
Try and find a canadian made one the issues did not start until they moved production south.

Joe Scharle
07-12-2010, 9:24 PM
I've tried a few miter guages, but this sled is good. From Wood mag.
