View Full Version : Getting Better!!! sung to Beatles music

Jerry Marcantel
07-10-2010, 4:41 PM
On July 2, I collected 6 logs, 12" diameter, up to 4" long of Eucalyptus, and yesterday, I got 2 Mesquite stumps, about 18" diameter x 36" long, and 24" x 48" long. Both woods are fresh kills because of damage to a foundation, and the mesquite was removed for ground clearing for a large project going up here in Tucson......... I don't have any sealer, so I used some elastimeric roof coating, and with 108-109° temps with humidity about 30/40%, I haven't seen any cracks appear on the Eucalyptus.....
So, when should I be able to put them on the lathe and mess them up??????...... Jerry (in Tucson)

Bernie Weishapl
07-10-2010, 5:03 PM
Jerry you can put them on the lathe now. I cut the log into bowl blank length and then cut them in half making sure I get the pith. In other word as you said the mesquite is 18" in diameter I would cut the blank 18" long then split it in half. I turn them green to 10% thickness (1" thick walls for a 10" or larger bowl) and then seal them with anchorseal. Let them dry for a few months and then return them to the lathe to finish turning them after they are dry. If you can't turn them for some time I would seal the ends and leave in log form.

Dennis Ford
07-10-2010, 5:50 PM
A friend once gave me some wood that he had sealed with roofing tar, it sealed the moisture in really well (pretty messy though). You can turn the wood whenever you want (the sooner the better).

Michael James
07-10-2010, 9:58 PM
Hola, amigo!
Should you tire of the wood, let me know. I'd be a good neighbor and lighten your load!:cool:

Steve Schlumpf
07-11-2010, 12:06 AM
I would think that the sooner you turn it - the better! Can only imagine how hot it gets where you are and heat is not your friend when you are trying to keep your wood from checking.