View Full Version : very small gloat - old jointer

Tom Sweeney
04-04-2003, 6:37 PM
Hey All,

Yesterday I went over to a friends house & bought a 4" (actually 4 1/2") jointer for pretty cheap. I know it's not much but it will do for now. It's an older machine. Made by Sprunger Power tools. Apparantly these were made between the late 50's & mid 70's. I might still be able to get parts from them, if needed.

It's real small - the infeed table is only 12" & the outfeed is 17" . the infeed adjusts by a small handwheel - no adjustment on the outfeed table. The fence adjusts for angle cuts, don't know if I'll ever need that. It came on a nice metal open stand. It seems to have decent power - I didn't even look to see what size motor it has. The only negative I see, other than the size, is that the fence is secured at the end of the infeed table & I could get it to flex a little, on the outfeed end, if I pushed too hard.

I know it's no big deal, but it will do for now & with my free drill press & my tablesaw it's actually starting to look like a woodworking shop out there - well almost. And the price was right. :)

Jim Young
04-04-2003, 8:20 PM
Old small jointer is better than no jointer. Get it tuned up and you will love it, at least till you try to do an 8ft board. I wouldn't worry too much about the width of board you can do, I personally rarely face joint.

Jim Baker
04-04-2003, 10:19 PM
Nice find, Tom. This unit will leave more money for the next tool. Plus, it's probably light enough to not hurt your back when you move it by yourself.:D

Lee Lamb
04-05-2003, 8:12 AM

I've been happy with my 6" Sprunger; a nice, heavy, well made machine. When it comes time to replace the knives try Jesada. Watch your fingers.


Tom Sweeney
04-06-2003, 1:49 PM
Jim Y - I think it will do for now - with the type of stuff I'm working on.

Jim B- I moved this one by myself too - but your right it wasn't too bad :rolleyes:

Lee - I saw some pics, on the oldWWmachines site, of the 6" sprunger - looks nice - thanks for the tip on the blades. I tried running some scrap through it & noticed a little tear out. It was cedar so maybe that's normal - but if not I'll have to take a close look at the blades.

Thanks again - next stop - a new lunchbox planer :D