View Full Version : Cherry Finishing Question

Steve Kohn
07-10-2010, 4:13 AM
I was working on a baby crib. I had sprayed two coats of Target's E6000 finish on. Then I noticed I had a small run in the now dried finish.

How do I fix this?

Faust M. Ruggiero
07-10-2010, 7:52 AM
You actually want the run to dry before attempting to fix it. Now, you have several choices but all revolve around methods of "scraping" away the run. I suggest either a single edge razor blade, or my normal choice, a card scraper with a fine burr. Another alternative might be a piece of broken glass. Now you need to very lightly scrape away the heavy areas being careful not to dig into the finish in the surrounding areas. You can affix a piece of 320 grit then 400 grit paper to a piece of wood. Then sand lightly over the run. Don't try to remove it all the first time and don't sand the surrounding area, just the run. Lightly spritz the affected area feathering out the finish. Let it dry and look it over. If necessary, do it again. You are able to make the entire run go away and the spray job perfect with time and patience. Good luck.