View Full Version : Monsterous!

David DeCristoforo
07-09-2010, 2:58 PM
M. tools arrived today. This is some nice tooling. Should have time to get it set up and in use over the weekend. I have a couple of pieces just itching to get gutted out. What? No pictures? Yeah I know... I'll get some. I also ordered a steady from Mr Nichol and he has promised to deliver it in person by no later than the middle of last week. And last but not least, a pretty good sized Chinese Pistachio tree came down across the street last week and I got some of that. Not a lot because the branches were small and the trunk had split. But I got eight pretty good sized half logs.

bob svoboda
07-09-2010, 3:03 PM
Congrats. I heard Jeff is reliable, but how will he deliver the middle of last week??

David Woodruff
07-09-2010, 3:16 PM
Sounds like relativistic quantum non-locality to me

David DeCristoforo
07-09-2010, 3:19 PM
"...relativistic quantum non-locality..."


Steve Schlumpf
07-09-2010, 3:35 PM
Congrats on getting the tools David! Looking forward to seeing the photos!

John Keeton
07-09-2010, 3:44 PM

Hmmmmmm...... you ordered yours on May 27, about two weeks before I did. That means.....I have all kinds of time to get these bookshelves done!!;)

But, at the rate I am going, it will still be close! The worst is yet to come - painting!!:eek: I would rather be beat!!

Sounds like relativistic quantum non-locality to meDavid, I am still working on the pronunciation.....after I get that down, I will try and figure out what it means!! Then, use it ten times and its mine!!:D

David DeCristoforo
07-09-2010, 4:21 PM
"...I have all kinds of time to get these bookshelves done..."

Ooo... I don't know. You better get it on. If your tooling arrives before the shelves are done, a paradox could be created that could shred the fabric of time and space causing a black hole to form that will make "the vortex" look like a kid sucking kool aid through a straw and that will suck you, your bookshelves and everything else in your world, including your new tooling, into a void and you may never get to even use the new tools. A word to the wise...

John Hart
07-09-2010, 5:48 PM
The worst is yet to come - painting!!:eek: I would rather be beat!!

I can help with that.;)

....umm...not the painting part though. :)

Bernie Weishapl
07-09-2010, 6:06 PM
Congrats on the tools David. Middle of last week huh!:eek:;);)

Allen Neighbors
07-09-2010, 6:22 PM
I can help with that.;)

....umm...not the painting part though. :)

Huh? Oh.....:eek::D:D

Jeff Nicol
07-09-2010, 6:43 PM
I was wondering if I went really fast to the east could I turn back time a few days and get them back to get that much more work done??? Then while I was in the time warp I could drop off the steady rest! Oh it is so fun to dream!!

200 e-mails in 3 days and my eyes are crossed!

Have a great weekend all!


Ken Fitzgerald
07-09-2010, 7:00 PM
That John Hart....always so thoughtful and helpful!

Congrats on the new tools!

David DeCristoforo
07-09-2010, 7:05 PM
"...I went really fast to the east could I turn back time a few days..."

Here's how. Chuck up a spindle. Diameter is irrelevant but it must be exactly 27.375 inches long (don't ask me why). The put on a neck tie and wrap one end twice around the spindle. Set your lathe to exactly 88 mph and fire it up in reverse. That will get you back there and quickly...

David E Keller
07-09-2010, 10:53 PM
"...I went really fast to the east could I turn back time a few days..."

Here's how. Chuck up a spindle. Diameter is irrelevant but it must be exactly 27.375 inches long (don't ask me why). The put on a neck tie and wrap one end twice around the spindle. Set your lathe to exactly 88 mph and fire it up in reverse. That will get you back there and quickly...

Clockwise or counterclockwise? Lathe on forward or reverse? What if I only have clip on ties?

Congrats on the hollowing setup... I heard the next batch that ships is gonna be even sweeter than the last ones that went out, so I'm really glad that I didn't already get mine.:D

David DeCristoforo
07-10-2010, 12:07 PM
"Clockwise or counterclockwise? Lathe on forward or reverse? What if I only have clip on ties?"

Counterclockwise of course. Scheech! I already said you have to start the lathe in reverse. And no self respecting time traveler would be caught wearing a clip on tie. Besides it should be obvious that the clip on tie would simply be pulled loose and slap around on the lathe for a few seconds before being sent back in time by itself. Some guy would be walking along and this clip on tie would come floating down in front of him...

Ken Fitzgerald
07-10-2010, 12:15 PM

I gotta ask...What were you doing in the '60s? Could some of your posts be attributed to flashbacks?:confused::eek::rolleyes::D

John Hart
07-10-2010, 12:25 PM

I gotta ask...What were you doing in the '60s? Could some of your posts be attributed to flashbacks?:confused::eek::rolleyes::D

Sheesh...like he would remember.:rolleyes:

David DeCristoforo
07-10-2010, 12:55 PM
"What were you doing in the '60s?"

Time traveling of course. Actually I'm from the 1860's. I discovered time travel because I was the only turner alive who could get his treadle lathe up to 88 miles an hour. One day I was trying to get a gavel done. It was to be a gift and I was late for the presentation ceremony so I was finishing it up at the last minute and was already wearing my tie. The rest is history...

"...like he would remember..."

See? I remember just fine...

Ken Fitzgerald
07-10-2010, 1:29 PM
Would the attendants please come to the front desk for deployment to Davis, California. I suspect you will need a size 2X white jacket with sleeves at least 84" inches long.:rolleyes:

David DeCristoforo
07-10-2010, 2:50 PM
"...attendants please come to the front desk for deployment to Davis..."

Hey... I didn't do nothin'... You mods are all alike. Anyway, my arms are not anywheres close to 84" long. That's insulting. :confused:

Ken Fitzgerald
07-10-2010, 2:57 PM
David....these guys like to tie neat knots....it has nothing to do really with your arm length. I wasn't trying to say you are a gorilla or a knuckle dragger or anything like that.....:) Be calm. There will be some friends there to play with you soon.:D

David DeCristoforo
07-10-2010, 3:04 PM
"I wasn't trying to say you are a gorilla..."

OK... but be careful because I do have some cousins with 84" arms (Mario, Vinnie and "Fingers" just to name a few) and they go through Idaho all the time. I would never send them up there but if they got the idea that one of the family was being put off in any way... well, they can be a bit hard to control...

John Hart
07-10-2010, 3:30 PM
....You mods are all alike.

Yeah...they're all L.L.Bean models. :)

Ken Fitzgerald
07-10-2010, 4:02 PM
Okay John....we'll tag team him. It's your turn!:rolleyes:

David DeCristoforo
07-10-2010, 4:24 PM
"...they're all L.L.Bean models..."

"...we'll tag team him..."

OK... now who's getting weird?!?! Maybe you guys would be more comfortable here in California...

I better put one of those "winky" face icons in here so that no one will get the wrong idea. ;) Humm... no that's not working... maybe this one: :eek:

John Hart
07-10-2010, 4:37 PM
I like the yellow one :)

It makes me look happy! :)

But I'm not happy :)

I'm grouchy :)

See how that works?:p:D:rolleyes::cool:

John Keeton
07-10-2010, 5:00 PM
This is the REAL John Hart!!
I swear I think I saw him in the most recent LL Bean catalogue?!?!?:confused: I think I even have a shirt like that!!!;):D

Ken Fitzgerald
07-10-2010, 5:36 PM
John and John.....that is some good stuff Keith has on the SMC Corporate Jet .....don't you agree?

David DeCristoforo
07-10-2010, 6:07 PM
Just to get back on track a bit, here are some (admittedly crappy) pictures of the captured rig mounted on my trusty old Rockwell.

Without the laser mounted:

And with the laser:

I have to say, i am enormously pleased with the "fit and finish" of this tooling. One of the things that impressed me most is that the cutters are sharp "out of the box" (or in this case, the bag). So it's simply a question of setting it up and going to work. As soon as I hog out that hunk of wood that's mounted on the lathe, I'll switch over to the articulated rig and try that out. So far, it's a joy to use...

James Combs
07-10-2010, 6:36 PM
ROFLMBO (For those that hate acronyms "Rolling on floor laughing my butt off".:)

Allen Neighbors
07-10-2010, 7:39 PM
Great looking rig, David... Now, show us what you've made with it!!:eek::eek::D:D

David DeCristoforo
07-10-2010, 7:52 PM
"Now, show us what you've made with it..."

Well since I just got it mounted on the lathe today, I really have not had a chance to do a whole lot with it. But you see that piece mounted on the lathe? I'm working on that. I also have some other pieces roughed out that will get worked on very soon. So be patient will ya? :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: :confused::confused::confused::confused:

John Hart
07-10-2010, 8:08 PM
Looks nice. After having learned to hollow the hard way...then moving to a captured rig...I found the difference is between night and day. But this rig of yours...wow. Plus you have the talent to back it up.

Good things are comin'.

David DeCristoforo
07-10-2010, 8:24 PM
"...I found the difference is between night and day..."

That's what I'm finding. I spent a lot of hours trying to tame the Sorby tools and got fairly comfortable with them anthough I would never go so far as to say I "mastered" them. But from my limited use of this setup, I'm thinking I'll not be too anxious to go back to those "hand held" scrapers. I'm not all that much of a purist. I just want to get the job done!

John Hart
07-10-2010, 8:54 PM
I'm not all that much of a purist. I just want to get the job done!

Yep...I'm the same way. I do what is needed to ensure that I complete what I started. I have no desire to spend 5 hours hollowing something, only to blow it up in the last few touch-ups. I found that that was the biggest danger of the various scrapers, regardless of their designs.

Then again...maybe it's because I ain't good. :confused:

David E Keller
07-10-2010, 8:56 PM
That's a great looking rig. I'm looking forward to hearing your comments on both the articulating and captured rigs. I only bought the articulating one this time around, but I'm already starting to second guess my decision not to get them both.

John Keeton
07-10-2010, 9:37 PM
David, that is one sweet looking setup! And, I really like the form you have started there - can't wait to see that one finished up.

Like David, I got the articulated one - well, don't have it yet!!:( But, I think you guys with the bigger lathes can make good use of the captured system. Someday.......

David E Keller
07-10-2010, 10:56 PM
Like David, I got the articulated one - well, don't have it yet!!:( But, I think you guys with the bigger lathes can make good use of the captured system. Someday.......

You mentioned that you got the full sized articulating... I assumed that meant you had a full sized lathe on order as well.

John Keeton
07-11-2010, 6:50 AM
... I assumed that meant you had a full sized lathe on order as well.David, I beg your pardon!! My lathe is full size! They just "call it" a midi!!:D:D The rest of you all have "oversized lathes!"