View Full Version : Moisture meter conversion and $ of 1/4sawn cherry

07-08-2010, 8:32 PM
I recently had the oppurtunity to quartersaw some 6/4 cherry from several logs about 24" in diameter. The tree had been dead for a little while when it was cut down and the logs had been sitting for about 9 months when I was able to slab them up. The slabs are stacked and stickered now. I did not own a moisture meter so this past weekend I decided to go to the woodworking store and pick up a meter. After speaking with the worker I decided on the sonin model 50218. The worker was an avid turner and suggested this one due to the price and the reliability that he has had with the meter. The meter is one of the pin meters. It is by no means the most expensive but was not the cheapest one though either. In talking to him he said that I would need to experiment and monitor different species of wood to get a true reading for different species of wood. He said that this meter was calibrated for douglas fir and that each species would be a little different in regards to the reading. So my question is, is there a conversion factor for different species or am I just dreaming here? I think due to different densities of the wood that the reading may be different. The readings that I took were between 12%-14%, and don't know if these are actual or not. I also have some oak and chestnut barn beams that I am resawing so I would like to figure the reading down so I can use some of this wood.

I was also wondering per bdf what people thought that I may be able to get for the cherry? I am more of a white oak quartersawn kind of a guy but since the cheery logs were free I couldn't it down. I will probably use some of the cherry, maybe even all if I like the way it finishes up. Thanks for any info.

lawrence dosson
07-08-2010, 9:16 PM
not familular with that meter but have sawn and air dried lots of cherry lumber does not seem to matter how long the log has been cut .
just how long it has been cut and stacked . about a year or so it should read 12 or so ..
is it posible that you just checked the boards on the end cuple months or so in the right conditions they will read 12 -14 or there abouts but the lumber will have much higher readings farther from the end cut a board in half and check it or drill small holes [ to put the pins in ] so you can get deep readings in the centre of the lumber lawrence