View Full Version : I think I've lost my mind ...

Cathy Schaewe
07-04-2010, 11:03 PM
aka, the vortex has me firmly in its grasp.

As you may recall, I just started turning at the end of February. Got the Delta 46-460, which I thought would be more than enough for what I wanted to do.

So, what do I really have to have now? A lathe that will turn 16" bowls, of course! So I just ordered the Jet 1642 evs. It will come while I'm on vacation, I just know it.

I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Bernie Weishapl
07-04-2010, 11:09 PM
Congrats Cathy. You should be excited. Sent you a e-mail.

Mike Minto
07-04-2010, 11:10 PM
aka, the vortex has me firmly in its grasp.

As you may recall, I just started turning at the end of February. Got the Delta 46-460, which I thought would be more than enough for what I wanted to do.

So, what do I really have to have now? A lathe that will turn 16" bowls, of course! So I just ordered the Jet 1642 evs. It will come while I'm on vacation, I just know it.

I am so excited!!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Don't fight it...

David E Keller
07-04-2010, 11:45 PM
That's awesome! Gloat pics would be great when you get it up and running.

It makes a lot more sense to get it now than to wait for a long time and then buy it(Did you hear that JK?:D).

Ken Fitzgerald
07-04-2010, 11:47 PM
That's why it is called the Vortex!

Congrats! I hope it serves you well.

Bert Solis
07-05-2010, 12:11 AM
Looking forward to seeing your turnings on the new one, still have a nice piece of Avocado if you are interested it is "crotch wood" might be fun, let me know

Steve Schlumpf
07-05-2010, 12:12 AM
Congrats! Great lathe! You will love it! Looking forward to seeing the photos!

John Hart
07-05-2010, 5:57 AM
People who do flatwork, look at the vortex like something that grabs you by the foot and then sucks you in...while you go clawing and screaming into the abyss. :eek: But that's not true.

It's more sinister. First. you climb into daddy's lap...and right when you're comfy and snugglly...then it grabs you by the foot and you go clawing and screaming into the abyss.;)

Congratulations :)

Baxter Smith
07-05-2010, 7:42 AM
Congratulations! Hope to see that 16 inch bowl in a couple weeks!;)

John Keeton
07-05-2010, 7:59 AM
Cathy, a real big CONGRATS!!!! You have already done some great work, and this is going to open up lots of possibilities for you - lots of fun!!

It makes a lot more sense to get it now than to wait for a long time and then buy it(Did you hear that JK?:D).David, I am going to wait until Cathy moves up to the PM, and then buy her 1642!!;):D

Roger Chandler
07-05-2010, 9:12 AM

You got it bad, girl! Don't feel bad, though, cause at the bottom of this vortex is a large group that have done the same thing, and ya know what? Once you get over the shock of the money you spent, then you just begin to enjoy what you have purchased........

one other thing....I am not sure there is really a "bottom" to this vortex, as I have this strange "tug" that feels like a VACUUM [like in chuck] and I don't think I am able to resist the pull much longer....:D What to do....what to do....what to do.....?

Thom Sturgill
07-05-2010, 9:17 AM
Way to go. That's a nice machine, I know, I have one too. Its a bigger step up from a mini than I expected.

charlie knighton
07-05-2010, 11:24 AM
congratulations, now you don't have to worry about your tool rest breaking

Paul Douglass
07-05-2010, 11:55 AM
Great sale now, Congrats. Did you get the 1.5 hp or 2hp? I've been looking at that but alas, I need a newer truck more.

Bill Bolen
07-05-2010, 12:22 PM
Make sure you save enough room in your shope for that Robust with the 25" swing! Congrats and looking to pics of the move in and those 16" bowls...Bill...

bob svoboda
07-05-2010, 12:37 PM
Congratulations. Can't wait to see the proof (pic's).

David DeCristoforo
07-05-2010, 1:55 PM
"I think I've lost my mind ..."

Not to worry, C. You will find that, as you get older, you don't need it that much anyway...

Allen Neighbors
07-05-2010, 2:38 PM
I think I've lost my mind ...

I've got an extra one... found it laying in the road the other day...

George Morris
07-05-2010, 8:30 PM
Good for you! The Vortex is strong!!! Have fun! G

Harvey Ghesser
07-05-2010, 8:31 PM
we have candy!.....;)

Rich Aldrich
07-05-2010, 9:08 PM

I think I lost my wallet. I just started in March - it is amazing how addicting this is. My wife is keeping a good eye on me now. She caught on that I was spending more than I said I would.

Michael James
07-05-2010, 9:33 PM
If it's any consolation, I'm probably coming up behind you in the future. Not sure where the $$$ will end up but my local Woodcraft guy keeps luring me in the back room to drool over his work and the fine machine he's creating it on.
Seriously tho, whats a few $K on something that will bring you joy for a lifteme... It could be worse... like if this was Harley-Davidson Creek. Just the leather accessories alone will buy you a lathe!!!!;)

Matt Hutchinson
07-05-2010, 9:37 PM
Great choice Cathy! Congrats!!


Cathy Schaewe
07-05-2010, 9:40 PM
we have candy!.....;)

Look, little girl, ice cream!

Just look at this spinny machine -