View Full Version : Man, I can't wait till Xmas

Scott Coffelt
12-02-2004, 10:46 AM
Ordered a whole bunch of little stuff from Lee Valley, some of it has started to trickle in.... but LOML takes them right off the door step and wraps em up and says can't see them till the 26th (long story, but we'll open hers and mine on that day).... this sucks.

Since I have no items in possession (my hands) yet, I can't offically gloat nor take pictures for Tyler.

Here's a little hint of what Mrs. Santa Clause is getting Mr. Santa Clause, besides a migrain :D :

Veritas 1:6 & 1:8 Dovetail Saddle Markers
Veritas 24" Aluminum Straight Edge
Veritas Saddle Square
Veritas Miter Saddle
Veritas Miter Hook
Kelton 16+7 KH4 Handle

We need to place another order for some stuff from their garden department, so I may sneak in a couple of other items.

Ted Shrader
12-02-2004, 10:51 AM
Scott -

Oh to have to suffer . . . . .

Look at the bright side, you will appreciate them all the more. Yeah, that's it. :) :)


Byron Trantham
12-02-2004, 11:01 AM
Scott, I'm the same boat! :mad: Got my PC belt sander yesterday and a Makita 90 degree drill is on the way. No touchie feely unit the 24th! :mad: Tyler I have a digital camer, not an X-Ray machine so you have to wait for the pics! :p

Dan Gill
12-02-2004, 11:02 AM
You will absolutely love the saddle square. I bought the large one this year because I was doing some framing as well as woodwork, and I use it every time I'm in the shop. I think it's a little more useful than the small one would be. I can draw a line clean around stock up to 1 1/2 x 3 1/2. It's just so easy to keep square with the edge.

Frank Pellow
12-02-2004, 11:03 AM
Margaret (my wife) has a long list of Lee Valley items that I would like. This has been the case for many years.

The list is long enough that I will probably only get about one third of the stuff. I like that because there is still a surprise element in what I am given by her at Christmas. Of course, Margaret also gives me a few non-Lee Valley items but it is usually the things from Lee Valley that I like best.

Tyler Howell
12-02-2004, 11:23 AM
I can't wait till Xmas to see all the wonderful pix of all these great gloats your talking about. We just want to share in the adventure!:rolleyes:

Scott Coffelt
12-02-2004, 11:54 AM
Dan, that one is also on my list but not yet ordered. I figured there is always room for more things in my shop (little ones that is). These things aren't that expensive but they do sure add up.

I also have a B-day coming up in early January, so I have to save things that my wife can package up for my 5 YO to give me.

Really, we just focus our attention on the kids, but they do like to give mommy and daddy items, so I try and find things that I would probably buy somewhere along the line. Since I can't get all of these locally, I try maximize the shipping costs.

I really wanted an ATF55, but Santa will probably leave that one for later.

Alan Turner
12-02-2004, 1:29 PM
I have had the saddle square for several years, and given a # away as gifts. It is used daily. I recently got the two DT saddles, and they are pretty handy. My only complaint is that since I primarily mark with a knife, they are of alum. and are pretty easily cut if one is not careful. I emailed Lee VAlley about a possible model in stainless steel, which I though would be quite permanent, but got no meaningful response. I have no idea what the price would have to be for such a thing.

I also have the hinged 2 x 4 saddle square from Bridge City, one of my few BC tools, and I like it quite well also. Very solid little guy.