View Full Version : Last Two Attempts

Ray Bell
06-30-2010, 6:58 PM
First, a cherry vessel. All was going well, until I decided to clean up the edge a little, pow! I very understanding wife says just cut it off, and make a stubby bowl.

The second, a walnut NE. All was going well, until I sheared off the tenon. Decided to put it on a faceplate, and cut a mortise. The screw for the faceplate were too long, and I went throgh the bottom of the bowl....

Anybody want to buy a lathe CHEAP! Just kidding of coarse, gotta get back on that horse.

Just glad this wood was all free, and as frustrating as this is at times, I still love this turning.

John Keeton
06-30-2010, 7:12 PM
....until I decided to clean up the edge a little...That thought is nearly always followed by a loud noise and flying debris!!!:eek:

Ray, pretty soon, you work thru all the things that can go wrong, and suddenly they start going right!:D;) I know this from personal experience!

Some very good efforts there, notwithstanding the small "happy accidents."

David E Keller
06-30-2010, 7:23 PM
Sounds like you're having fun, and that's what really matters.

On a positive note, your yard looks great!

Keep up the turning and everything will get smoother.

bob svoboda
06-30-2010, 7:35 PM
Hey Ray, good attempt at the NE. The next one will be even better. ps: I know about understanding wives and having met yours I think she's a dandy.


Joseph M Lary
06-30-2010, 8:30 PM
Ray , you got to start somewhere.I remember starting out 3 good catches on 1 piece and then there wan't anything left. I got with someone who knows how to turn , a few quick tips some basic cuts . Im not the best by any means but I have seen an inprovement in the last 2 years . You should check out the AAW site for clubs in your aera, you can get a lot of help and info form them . the closest one to me is 80 mile drive one way,I joined but havent been off work to go to one yet but someday . good luck keep making shavings :D.

Paul Douglass
06-30-2010, 9:34 PM
Ray, could you glue the piece back in on the cherry? And Connie is also right. Turn it down some. If nothing else it's more practice. On the other, turn a piece of contrasting wood that fits the bottom, more practice. OR, leave it upside down and you have a candle holder!

Ray Bell
07-01-2010, 3:56 PM
Thanks all for the replies,
Paul, I already cut the cherry bowl off. Actually it doesn't look too bad for a stubby little bowl. I am sanding it now, will then flip it to finish the bottom, and it will always be around to remind me to be more careful....

Good idea on the walnut piece, I have enough maple around that will fill the hole in the bottom. Thanks

Thom Sturgill
07-01-2010, 4:26 PM
Dont know how far down you cut the cherry, but I'd cut off enough that it ends up curved in and NOT flared back out. Post some pictures of the fixes, and keep on turning!