View Full Version : DC in a mobile small shop

Jay Radke
06-29-2010, 12:24 PM
Well like other Creekers I have been reading a lot of post on DC. I also went out and got the latest Wood Mag issue with the DC piece and tables for calculations. I think I figured it out from that piece and threads on the Creek. However, I am not sure that I have come up with the answer to my DC needs for my shop.

My shop is located in my 3 car garage. There are 2 front bays and one tandem bay behind the left front spot. The front 2 spots are usually taken by out two cars. This means that all my tools are stored in the back tandem part with the snowblower or lawn mower depending on the season, power washer and rototiller. So floor space is a premimum. I was able to get some nice metal cabinets from work and with my tall walls I was able to hang these guys all the way up with enough room for me to stand underneath them as well as to store stuff underneath against the walls, leaving me access to work on other stuff with the cars in. When I do major work the cars are removed and I have access to the full space.

http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r155/jradke4/Garage/DSCN9496.jpg (http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r155/jradke4/Garage/DSCN9498.jpg)
http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r155/jradke4/Garage/DSCN9501.jpg (http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r155/jradke4/Garage/DSCN9497.jpg)

However, with the cars in there most of the time, I dont see how a fixed duct with drops will work. Plus things do not always get moved to the same spot each time, though roughly the same. Currently I have a Rigid Shop Vac that I use really for only post work cleanup. I looked into the Rockler wall mount system but after reading the WoodMag article all that it is, is a slightly cleaner ShopVac.

http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r155/jradke4/Garage/DSCN9500.jpg[URL="http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r155/jradke4/Garage/DSCN9500.jpg"] (http://i143.photobucket.com/albums/r155/jradke4/Garage/DSCN9502.jpg)

So, I was thinking about the Grizzly G1029Z2 combined with their 2 Stage cyclone separator G3376. My only problem is that I have only one 220 outlet currently and I use that for my jointer, so I could probably live with out the DC while using it. On the other hand I could probably add another 220 outlet to get by. Since this is on a moblie base I could move it as needed then just connect direct to the tool I am using. Granted it would be through flex hosing but that would be the only run.

Does that sound like a decent plan to our DC experts out there?