View Full Version : Bernie Visits Another Creeker

Cathy Schaewe
06-24-2010, 12:32 PM
Well, Bernie's been quite the traveler! We met this morning for a nice chat before he started back home. I brought him a little cherry, but not as big a piece as he got from Tony!

It was really nice to have another turner to talk to - if there are any in my vicinity, I have yet to find them.

Bernie and his wife MaryAnn are lovely people, and I really enjoyed the chance to meet with him. Can't wait to see what he turns with the cherry I sent home with him. The two pieces I gave him are in front and to the right, and the one Tony gave him is in the back on the left. They were going back to their son's house to pick up the rest of their stuff, but they may have to ship it back if they find any more wood on the way!

(I'm hoping he slips by JK's house in the middle of the night and finds some of that burl...;))

David E Keller
06-24-2010, 12:38 PM
Looks like he's making the rounds... He's also making out nicely with the parting gifts. I do agree that there's still room in the back of the truck for some of Keeton's stash.:D

Ken Fitzgerald
06-24-2010, 12:39 PM
Congrats Cathy! I'm jealous.

Bernie looks like he needs to upgrade to a tractor trailer enroute to his home.:D

John Keeton
06-24-2010, 12:47 PM
Bernie certainly gets around!! Some might think that he is becoming a world traveler - kinda has developed that "look." Sorta like those jet set folks that just go wherever they want, whenever!!:D:D

(I'm hoping he slips by JK's house in the middle of the night and finds some of that burl...;))Cathy, I have already thought of that, and it is all safely locked in the vault!!;)

John Hart
06-24-2010, 1:32 PM
One of my old stompin grounds as a kid was Elmira and Horseheads NY...So Bernie's settin' his tracks over my tracks....so to speak :rolleyes:

Oh...and don't forget Cathy...JK's guarding his stuff with moonshine. :eek:

Nick Mastropietro
06-24-2010, 2:09 PM
Hey Bernie, my guess is you’re a bit overloaded and being the concerned citizen that I am, I suggest you stop by and unload some of that excess baggage ;);). I must admit, I'm a bit envious, sure wish I could be hopping from creeker to creeker. Well maybe one day when I join the ranks of the retired. Keep those pictures coming, it's great to hear and see your travels.

bob svoboda
06-24-2010, 2:35 PM
My hat is off to Bernie. He actually figured out a way to get his lady to go on a wood gathering venture with him.---John, did you say moonshine at Keeton's? I guard my stash with laquer.:D

John Keeton
06-24-2010, 2:42 PM
My hat is off to Bernie. He actually figured out a way to get his lady to go on a wood gathering venture with him.---John, did you say moonshine at Keeton's? I guard my stash with laquer.:DBob, a match flipped into either would certainly cause some excitement!!;) And, ya gotta remember, after all these years, Hart is immune to lacquer fumes - not sure about Bernie!:D

Hart, I would love to follow in your tracks as I figure it has been an exciting ride - but, I would be a little afraid to drop your name along the way. That is, unless the motor was runnin' in the truck and I had a full tank of gas!!:eek::D

Steve Schlumpf
06-24-2010, 4:17 PM
Always great to hear about another Creeker visit! Bernie - you are looking happy! Traveling must agree with you!

John Hart
06-24-2010, 4:21 PM
....Hart, I would love to follow in your tracks as I figure it has been an exciting ride - but, I would be a little afraid to drop your name along the way. That is, unless the motor was runnin' in the truck and I had a full tank of gas!!:eek::D

Smart move....I usually just stay at home or pick out a good disguise if I decide to go to the store or something. ;)

Tony De Masi
06-24-2010, 4:53 PM
Hey I know that guy!!!!!!!!! Congrats Bernie and Cathy. Aren't they the best of visits? Unfortunately they don't seem to last long enough.

Safe travels Bernie.


Fred Perreault
06-24-2010, 6:51 PM
Visits like Bernie's restore my confidence that this is not just a cyber community....

Jeff Nicol
06-24-2010, 7:44 PM
Cathy, It looks like Bernie is very relaxed and building up some great turning stock for when he gets home. We just got an invite to our nephews wedding celebration in Louisiana, it is the end of July and my wife is looking into everything so we can go. I am sure there are some SMC members near Slidell LA. I will have more positive info later and post a thread then.

Great meeting and thanks for sharing!


Bernie Weishapl
06-24-2010, 8:29 PM
Well I must say that I enjoyed our visit also. Cathy is a wonderful person and had a great visit with her. When Tony told me I could have the big piece and Cathy opened the back of her vehicle I just started drooling. Shoot if I see cherry that is bigger than 5" to 7" in diameter I am lucky. So no people it is going to Goodland and I will dispose of it. Sorry Nick.:D;)

Cathy again thank you for a great visit and I truly appreciate the wood. We did make it back to Richmond and will load up to hit the road home. I got some wood to turn.:eek::);):rolleyes::cool:

Yes all this has been a fun, relaxing, and much needed vacation. This is the first time in our 42 yrs we could go and not worry about where we had to be next.

Pete Jordan
06-24-2010, 9:01 PM

I guess I'll just burn this burl I was saving for you:)

Bernie Weishapl
06-24-2010, 9:20 PM
Don't burn it Pete. Save it. You never know when the next trip will be planned.:eek::cool:;)

Rob Cunningham
06-25-2010, 9:01 AM
It looks like Bernie is putting his new truck to good use. I can't wait to see what you turn with all that wood. Safe travels Bernie.

Bernie Weishapl
06-25-2010, 9:19 AM
Thanks again all. I can't wait to get home and dive into that wood.

I again want to thank John, Tony and Cathy for being so generous and for a really nice visit. It definitely was my pleasure meeting you. Hope to make some more rounds visiting more creekers as time permits. Maybe not this year but do have some possible trips for next summer.

Tom Sherman
06-25-2010, 10:05 PM
Good to see you made it to virginia again bernie, shame we couldn't have got together. Maybe next time by then I hope i'll have my shop back in some kind of order again. safe travels