View Full Version : Grandsons Wedding Gift Pens

Peter Hay in Aus
06-24-2010, 8:20 AM
Bethlehem Olive Wood top pen and Western Australian She Oak lower pen made for the signing.

Me with my Eldest Daughter the mother of the Groom.


David E Keller
06-24-2010, 1:06 PM
Nicely done on the pen, and a nice looking family photo as well. Congrats!

Billy Tallant
06-24-2010, 9:37 PM
Nice looking pens. I really like turning that Bethelehem Olive wood.

Bernie Weishapl
06-25-2010, 9:27 AM
Beautiful pens. Your grandson will cherish those.

Steve Schlumpf
06-25-2010, 10:14 AM
Peter - very nice work inn the pens! I am sure the happy couple will cherish them!