View Full Version : Just one measly turning in 2 months

Leo Van Der Loo
06-23-2010, 12:42 AM
Haven't had much chance to do any turning for a while, as I got first 2 of my sisters and one BIL from The Netherlands come over and they stayed about 3 weeks, it was nice to have them and old time stories hauled out :D, then we had to do an emergency run up to my son and DIL, as their new Baby girl was tested and found to have Down syndrome and my DIL then also had to have emergency surgery (not related to the birth) and these things together were a bit much for them to handle, so we went and helped as much as we could and stayed by their side while this had to be looked after and absorbed, then quickly back to London as my wife's youngest brother and his wife came over and stayed with us for 3 weeks, we certainly enjoyed that, though the turning had to give of course, but for one "How do you do that" show of turning a smaller piece that they could take along with them when they went back home, plus a few Birdhouses as well.
It's made from a piece of Manitoba Maple (Acer Negundo) about 10" and finished with 4 coats of Polymerized Tung oil, took just a couple of quick pictures as the piece had to be packed :)

Sid Matheny
06-23-2010, 1:12 AM
Leo, that was worth waiting for! Great job all around. Sorry about the problems but I believe all of life is a learning experience and some of the things we face are not easy by anyone measure.


John Keeton
06-23-2010, 5:48 AM
Leo, very sorry to hear of the grandchild with Down's syndrome. We do not always know God's plan, but I am sure there will be blessings in this situation as time goes on.

Very nice work on the bowl - as would be expected from you! Beautiful wood.

David E Keller
06-23-2010, 7:59 AM
Sorry to hear about the recent family difficulties, but I'm sure your love and support is greatly appreciated.

You've obviously not developed any rust during your absense from the lathe... Nice bowl.:)

Brian Weaver
06-23-2010, 8:27 AM
Leo, having a child with Down's syndrome can be a struggle but they can be a pure joy also. My wife had a son with down's when we got together he was about 2 years old. He is 19 now and he puts a smile on my face every day. We live in a smaller community but we can't go to the store with out "regular" kids coming over to say hi. These are pants on the ground hat turned sideways teenagers coming up and giving bro hugs. It's something I never get tired of seeing. He is also my shop buddy he is always out here working on his projects and though they may not amount to much they are always strangely perfectly square. He drew a circle on a board the other day that I know he didn't measure, but after looking at it I had to get the tape out. From each edge of the board it was off no more than 1/16th of an inch. This was a 2 foot by 2 foot piece of mdf and about a 6" circle. Tell them to hang in there it will get better.

Baxter Smith
06-23-2010, 9:03 AM
Life has its high's and low's but with family and perserverence the lows can be gotten through. You are lucky to have both! Nice bowl.

bob svoboda
06-23-2010, 10:09 AM
Very nice work Leo. Nothing lost in the down time. All the best to your family.

Wayne Spence
06-23-2010, 2:16 PM
My son was diagnosed with muscular dystrophy at 6 years of age and now after 27 years in a wheelchair still operates his computer daily with a stick in his mouth. Thanks to my wife and a lot of friends he is cared for and enjoys life. You and your DIL and her child need love and support and there are thousands out there that help even in most minute way. May the gods of eternal peace smile upon you.

My son also encourages me to turn and to sculp almost daily and that is a great source of energy.

Steve Schlumpf
06-23-2010, 4:17 PM
Leo - sorry to hear about your family challenges and hope that life is starting to return to normal for everyone.

Glad to see you were able to find some time to turn! Doesn't look like you forgot anything! Beautiful bowl and wood!

Hope this means you will get to spend some more time in the shop!

Michael James
06-23-2010, 11:11 PM
Im one of the new guys here, and a new turner but I've been around for a while. Life is given to us for a finite period of time, and then it is gone. If I was here before, I have no conscious awareness of it, and if there is existence beyond this, well....... I do believe that this is NOT a dress rehearsal. Your family is lucky to have you. You are role modeling much beyond manipulating wood. Thank you.

Leo Van Der Loo
06-24-2010, 1:16 AM
Thank you all for your very thoughtful responses, I do very much appreciate them.

Yes life does go on and the challenges will be met I'm sure, this baby is going to be loved as much as any other if not more.

I have been busy trying to catch up with all that has been neglected, grass keeps growing and weeds never stop to show up after I thought I got them all ;-))

Yes also did have a bit of turning time already, though I do love the outdoors and summertime, between all these things I have to do and like to do, I'll try to
Have fun and to take care
Leo Van Der Loo