View Full Version : Walnut, Oak burl, Spalted Maple

Toney Robertson
06-21-2010, 8:39 PM
Walnut square, oak burl lid and an inside out spalted maple finial with an African blackwood accent.

11 1/2" square by aprox. 8 1/2" to the top of the finial. AO and buffed.

All comments and critiques welcomed. If you have a suggestion let me hear it.






John Hart
06-21-2010, 8:52 PM
Wow!! Talk about unique!! Beautiful wood...wonderful execution...and an intriguing design. Just wonderful.

I tried to find something to critique...just for fun...and the only thing I could think was maybe the cove at the bottom of the finial, could have been a little deeper, to make it a tad more feminine. But really...that's nitpickin'.

Excellent piece Toney.:)

Baxter Smith
06-21-2010, 8:54 PM
I like the shape, design and finish very much! Not sure about so many different woods/colors/evengrain/burl. Too many nice things competing for my attention!

Matt Hutchinson
06-21-2010, 8:59 PM
Very cool! I think the inside out finial is a really great accent! Man, I am so impressed with the work I see here at the Creek..... :D


Tom Sherman
06-21-2010, 9:06 PM
Toney this is a very nice piece great work and wood

Bernie Weishapl
06-21-2010, 9:12 PM
Toney that is a beautiful piece and some really nice work.

Roger Chandler
06-21-2010, 9:14 PM

Great form, great execution, great use of complementing woods and the artistry is certainly there also. Great finish as well.

Thom Sturgill
06-21-2010, 9:20 PM
Beautiful piece Toney. As far as critique or comment, I have one one point. In my art training I have been told that you should never introduce a color in one spot only. All colors or textures should be reflected in other areas. There are of course exceptions to any rule. If the color tones ran a spectrum, light body medium lid dark finial, black point that would possibly work.

In that vein, I might suggest a walnut finial with a burl accent to reflect the walnut body and burl cap.

I gotta try one of those inside out finials. Nice job.

John Hart
06-21-2010, 9:32 PM
Beautiful piece Toney. As far as critique or comment, I have one one point. In my art training I have been told that you should never introduce a color in one spot only. All colors or textures should be reflected in other areas. There are of course exceptions to any rule. If the color tones ran a spectrum, light body medium lid dark finial, black point that would possibly work.....

I see your point Thom....but I'd like to ask a question. (not argument...just a thought) Considering that, with the exception of the black tip, does it flow through its spectrum, bottom to top...dark to light?

What I see that is pleasing is that the oak burl, with its extreme lights and darks, creates a transistion interface between the walnut and the maple. Then the black tip brings a final darkness for the maple to compliment back to the oak burl.

Anyway...I like it. I was just wondering about your thoughts about that.

David E Keller
06-21-2010, 9:40 PM
Fantastic... I love the main body and lid on this piece. The shape of the main form is pleasing to me, and the lid blends very nicely.

Not a critique, but a thought... I would have considered a knob rather than a finial. Perhaps a square knob with a curved top to reflect some of the detail in the form itself. I like it very much the way it is, but I always look at the turnings posted here and try to come up with mental variations.

Brian Brown
06-21-2010, 9:41 PM
WOW! Don't know what else to say, but I needed 10 characters. By the way, did I mention WOW!

Donny Lawson
06-21-2010, 9:42 PM
WOW!!!!!!That's something I don't think I've seen before. GREAT piece of work. I love the design.

Cathy Schaewe
06-21-2010, 9:42 PM
Yes, I have a suggestion.

Keep doing what you're doing - it's fantastic!!!

John Keeton
06-21-2010, 10:05 PM
Toney, you discussed before finding a signature style, and I think you are there!! This is a beautiful piece - just an excellent job on the detail work, and the form is fantastic. You have these inside out finials nailed!!

It is so easy to look at a piece once it is finished and find things one might do differently, and even then, one never really knows if the "shoulda done that" would have worked.

...and the only thing I could think was maybe the cove at the bottom of the finial, could have been a little deeper, to make it a tad more feminine.I just love it when Hart's feminine side comes out! It just gives me a warm and fuzzy!:D:rolleyes: I think the cove could be a little deeper, but I would have picked another adjective - maybe delicate, elegant.... but, if Hart is comfortable with "feminine" I guess that is OK.;):D

And, I understand the discussion on pulling together the color scheme. I guess one could have put in a narrow black band on the lid, but honestly I think this piece works like it is. I generally don't like more than three colors/textures on anything - a house, a turning, etc. But, sometimes deviating from the norm works - and, this one does!

Great piece!

Steve Schlumpf
06-21-2010, 10:12 PM
Toney - I like it! Everything flows well together - woods, colors and form. Exceptionally nice work! Thanks for sharing!

Frank Van Atta
06-21-2010, 10:30 PM
Beautiful piece, just like it is. I especially like the involuted finial and blackwood top.

Roland Martin
06-21-2010, 10:41 PM
This is simply an amazing piece Toney. I do appreciate the work & detail that you put in the finial, but what really catches my eye is the nice smooth yet crisp detailing in the bowl & an excellent fit on the lid. extremely well done!

Allen Neighbors
06-22-2010, 12:14 AM
I've got a suggestion for you, Toney, since you asked for them.... send that ugly thing to me, so I can hide it for you. :eek: :D

Just kidding... You do awesome work... and this one really works for me!!

Norm Zax
06-22-2010, 2:22 AM
Exceptional! Not a big fan of inside-out but the result is fabulous. Keep em comin'.

charlie knighton
06-22-2010, 2:53 AM
very nice....

Michelle Rich
06-22-2010, 6:39 AM
wow, I think Manta Ray when I look at it..a real sense of motion & life...splendid piece

John Hart
06-22-2010, 6:57 AM
I just love it when Hart's feminine side comes out! It just gives me a warm and fuzzy!:D:rolleyes: I think the cove could be a little deeper, but I would have picked another adjective - maybe delicate, elegant.... but, if Hart is comfortable with "feminine" I guess that is OK.;):D....

Aw c'mon....gimme a break. I took time away from picking out drapery fabric to make a comment...and looky what happens. 'cuse me...but I have to go straighten up my vanity.

tsk. :rolleyes:

William Hutchinson
06-22-2010, 7:23 AM
The three elements of your work are indeed very nice and your turning ability is flawless. The bowl, lid and finial each have strong features that compete for dominance of the piece. The bow/lid or lid/finial are superb, but the three pieces combined don't meld into a whole that is greater than the sum of the parts.

A black lid rim and smaller knob, styled like the suggestion of Mr. Keller, would enhance the simple elegance of the design.

Or if I might be so forward to interpret your intentions of making the 'inside out' finial the crowning piece. If so, then the lid and bowl are the supporting actors, changes in wood selection could be made (or use of coloring) and the proportions of finial may need slight downward tweeking of the tall stem.

"Cathedral of Intercession of Most Holy Theotokos on the Moat" or as some say, "Saint Basil's Cathedral" is dazzlingly ornate but illustrates how supporting elements are used to highlight the domes 'er finials. Just a side note: the domes were to symbolize the flames of a bonfire and build (1551-1561) by Ivan IV of Russia to celebrate the final battles of the Russo-Kazan Wars. This was a unique architectural masterpiece of its time.


Then again, if I could turn half as well as you, I'd be out in the shop instead of looking at this computer screen.:D

Dick Rowe
06-22-2010, 7:29 AM
A suggestion, if you haven't already ... post this as an entry into the 2010 Art Challenge on this board.

Excellent work .. I wouldn't change a thing!

Robert McGowen
06-22-2010, 7:31 AM
Very unique combination, Toney. It catches the eye and looks great.

Thom Sturgill
06-22-2010, 7:45 AM
I see your point Thom....but I'd like to ask a question. (not argument...just a thought) Considering that, with the exception of the black tip, does it flow through its spectrum, bottom to top...dark to light?

What I see that is pleasing is that the oak burl, with its extreme lights and darks, creates a transistion interface between the walnut and the maple. Then the black tip brings a final darkness for the maple to compliment back to the oak burl.

Anyway...I like it. I was just wondering about your thoughts about that.
I agree with your point, I was trying to 'encourage' more thinking about the 'composition' not just the form. I would probably used some of the walnut rather than the black for the tip, keep it to three colors as John Keeton said.... Still, a very beautiful piece.

Tim Rinehart
06-22-2010, 8:55 AM
I haven't seen other inside out finials...but wow, that's very cool. I love the shape of the bottom of the vessel, it reminds me a nice wave ripple with perfect flow.
The fitment and carrying of the lines on the lid is super...the finial is very cool, I like it alot.

I see a little of what the others are saying with too many colors...though I think this piece gets away with it.

Had I done anything different ... only after reading others comments...I would perhaps use walnut for the tip of the finial...or, integrate a black band just outside the lid, kinda like what John Keeton did with the black epoxy. Just a thought...but I like it without doing a thing also. That being said...the black highlight in the oak burl has just enough to contrast with the tip...so you're good in my opinion.

Great imaginative work!!

jeremy levine
06-22-2010, 11:40 AM
Wow - really striking.

John Hart
06-22-2010, 12:13 PM
I agree with your point, I was trying to 'encourage' more thinking about the 'composition' not just the form. I would probably used some of the walnut rather than the black for the tip, keep it to three colors as John Keeton said.... Still, a very beautiful piece.

Hey..you got my attention Thom. :)
Because I make vases and am starting to move in the direction of more multi-wood pieces....AND because I have absolutely no artistic sense WHATSOEVER:o... I like to understand better the importance of proper wood selection....and color flow....and whether Keeton knows anything at all about feminine features in wood.:rolleyes:

Toney's piece here pretty much dazzled me, so I was curious. Thanks

Bill Wyko
06-22-2010, 1:17 PM
An absolutely exquisite piece. The combination of the woods and the finial are perfect. they all lend to each other perfectly.

Frank Van Atta
06-22-2010, 1:22 PM
A question on the finial: was it turned twice - once involuted and once after?

David E Keller
06-22-2010, 5:56 PM
I think we can all agree that Toney has turned a beautiful piece that any of us would proudly display in our homes... I'd like to volunteer my house as it is not cluttered with beautiful turned objects!:D

I do very much appreciate the discussion and candor in this thread. I'm learning about form and composition which is very useful to me.

Aw c'mon....gimme a break. I took time away from picking out drapery fabric to make a comment...and looky what happens. 'cuse me...but I have to go straighten up my vanity.

tsk. :rolleyes:
Unfortunately, I'm learning some things about fellow Creekers that will likely haunt me for a while

Toney Robertson
06-22-2010, 5:57 PM
A question on the finial: was it turned twice - once involuted and once after?

You got it Frank, that is exactly how I did it. You have to really match the outside to the inside of each stave is not the same width. I destroyed a couple before I got one that was acceptable.

By the way, the sides on the bulb are not quite 1/8" thick.


Marc Himes
06-22-2010, 7:02 PM
A really nice and very interesting piece with many areas of interest in form texture and color. Well Done.

Marc Himes

Toney Robertson
06-22-2010, 8:46 PM
I appreciate the nice comments, validation by ones peers is wonderful.

But, I relish the comments about form, color, grain and composition. Getting to see my piece through fresh eyes expands my horizons and I appreciate those who took the time to respond.

Some of the things said, I thought about but many comments will be filed away and the next time I hope to put them to good use.


Joshua Dinerstein
06-24-2010, 1:24 PM

I like it. Great form and design. This is a personal preference thing but the only thing I would change is that the very bast of the finial seems a little to wide to me. Just a hair thinner would really make it balance it's proportions better to me.

Just a thought for you to do with as you please!


Tony De Masi
06-24-2010, 4:57 PM
Outstanding work Toney. Three form in one is tough to pull off but this piece sure is pretty.

Well done.
