View Full Version : WorkSharp 3000 for Father's Day!!

Dave Gaul
06-21-2010, 11:18 AM
Am I the only one to get tools for Father's Day? Where are all the gloats!!??

Guess I'll go first!!

LOML & the kids got me the WorkSharp 3000, and a really cool card that opened like a tool box and had pop-up tools when you opened the card!

Tried out the WS yesterday on some old Buck Bros chisel I had that were in REALLY bad shape... came out really sharp quite quickly!!

Anyone else get new tools?

David Helm
06-21-2010, 11:40 AM
Bought the same tool for myself a week ago. Haven't had time to set it up yet. No tools for fathers day, but my wife, in appreciation for the time and energy I have spent taking care of her following her hip replacement surgery, told me she wanted to get me the major tool of my choice. The quandary is, "what do I really want?" I say want because I have everything I need.

Stew Hagerty
06-21-2010, 11:49 AM
I didn't get tools, but I got something really cool. My daughter got me an autographed copy of Glenn Beck's new thriller novel: The Overton Window. It came in a collector's box that looks just like the book. Plus a great personalized card that means much more to me than any gift. :D

glenn bradley
06-21-2010, 1:26 PM
Dad and I both have one. We both love it. When I am doing a lot of chisel or plane work I just clamp it (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=116048&d=1240157914) to the bench.

Dave Gaul
06-21-2010, 1:54 PM
Dad and I both have one. We both love it. When I am doing a lot of chisel or plane work I just clamp it (http://www.sawmillcreek.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=116048&d=1240157914) to the bench.

I like that setup! Have to keep that in mind. Want to get the drill doc too, might make something like this into a sharpening station of some sort...

David Cefai
06-21-2010, 2:18 PM
OK, I'll play.

I got a camera, so I've gone from having the lousiest digital in the house to the snazziest.

Bijesh Jacob
06-21-2010, 2:47 PM
The trucking company delivered my Hammer k3 and a3-31 on Friday. :) though my wife and daughter have said that this gift should suffice for the next ten years :).

Larry Norton
06-21-2010, 6:48 PM
I got to go to the dentist (My dentist has wierd hours) and have my last wisdom tooth pulled at 62 years old.

Chris Kennedy
06-21-2010, 7:25 PM
I got to go to the dentist (My dentist has wierd hours) and have my last wisdom tooth pulled at 62 years old.

I don't know who is going to win on this little gloat contest, but I think you just lost.:D

No tools for me, mainly because the LOML asked if there was anything I needed, and since shop time has been so sparse recently, I didn't actually have anything in mind. Of course, part of what I got for Father's Day was shop time, and so now I have an idea of at least one thing I could use . . . .



Bill Huber
06-21-2010, 7:37 PM
So Dave when are you going to finish that chisel?

I can't see myself in it....

That is a great tool, I have the 3000 and my chisels are sharper then they ever were before it.

Ron Jones near Indy
06-21-2010, 7:45 PM
I also received a WS 3000. In just a few minutes it had some old Craftsman chisels the sharpest they ever have been. I was just a little unsure about it; now I really like it.

Dave Mura
06-21-2010, 8:34 PM
Nice gifts :)

glenn bradley
06-21-2010, 8:44 PM
I got to go to the dentist (My dentist has wierd hours) and have my last wisdom tooth pulled at 62 years old.

I don't know who is going to win on this little gloat contest, but I think you just lost.:D

Here. here! Larry wins . . . er, loses.

Richard Gibson
06-21-2010, 9:03 PM
Bosch Colt PR20EVSNK Variable Speed Palm Router Kit for me.

Dave Gaul
06-22-2010, 7:48 AM
So Dave when are you going to finish that chisel?

I can't see myself in it....

That is a great tool, I have the 3000 and my chisels are sharper then they ever were before it.

It actually looks a lot better in person! My blackberry camera doesn't do the best job!