View Full Version : Metal plane of USSR

Sam Takeuchi
06-19-2010, 2:48 PM
Picked this one up today. Even here in Russia, finding hand tools at market is pretty rare it seems. Other than a few rough woodies (horned kind), there were only couple of metal planes. There were plenty of power tools, however.

This particular piece is something similar to budget line of hand plane elsewhere. 10" in length, frog is of cast and non-adjustable type a la No.40, comes with 'proprietary' 2" blade. This is an interesting piece of blade. It seems the whole piece was heat treated and left to oxidize. And then 1/3 of the 'face' (non bevel side) was milled! So cutting side of the blade is slightly thinner than the rest. That silvery part is the milled area. I haven't messed around with it at all, so i can't tell if blade is anything of quality, most likely not.

Front knob sits on slightly ramped base, and knob is tilted forward a bit. Handle is pretty tall, a lot taller than usual No.3/4 handle, so no problem gripping with four fingers. Though it's quit skinny.

I have no idea what I'll do with this plane yet. Clean it up and keep it as an novelty item, or use it for hogging. Or sell it (if anyone wants it that is). I must say, I really like the black USSR lever cap.

Last two pictures are with early Record No.4 for comparison.
Last picture: bottom Record No.4, top Soviet plane.

Dave Cav
06-19-2010, 2:55 PM
If the lever cap is embossed "USSR" wouldn't than mean it was made for the export market?

Cool plane, though. I'd convert it to a scrub.

Jim Koepke
06-19-2010, 3:00 PM
Interesting tilt front knob.


Sam Takeuchi
06-19-2010, 3:18 PM
A lot of Soviet era items seem to have either USSR or СССР(Cyrillic equivalent of USSR) regardless of intended market. Last year I came across No.2 sized plane of the same origin at my friends' relatives' house with same USSR emboss. Most likely these things were made centrally at a factory somewhere in the country, probably domestic and export items were exactly the same. Even if they were exported, I doubt they went far.

Michael Peet
06-19-2010, 7:30 PM
Very cool, Sam. I love the USSR stamped into the lever cap too.
