View Full Version : BRRRR....SsshopppUpdate (teeth chattering)

Ken Fitzgerald
11-28-2004, 10:53 PM
Well, it didn't get above the mid-30s F today! I enlisted the help of a neighbor and I did get all the rough-in electrical wired into the breaker box. Wednesday before Thanksgiving the utility company was going to run the electrical and install the meter. I called them off. Though I work with ac and dc daily, I still enjoy the liberty of wiring in a totally COLD box. PHOTO COPS PLEASE NOTE........I would have taken photos but I'm not sure if the camera will work in the temperature out there right now. I'll try to get some photos tomorrow morning. :rolleyes: :D

Jim Ketron
11-28-2004, 11:14 PM
Sounds like you are getting close Ken!

I like you would rather work on a non live Box! Cant ever be to carefull around that sparktricity

Jerry Olexa
11-29-2004, 12:47 AM
Ken, you made the right decision. There's no rush!! Be careful and enjoy your new shop..

Tyler Howell
11-29-2004, 9:02 AM
I have heard a lot of lame excuses but this one!!!!:mad: . Ken, Ken Ken. You are a deputy, sworn-in to up hold the law. The penalties are swift and sever for those that should know better. :mad:

Sorry but this is officially declared a non gloat and you are stripped of your Pix police badge for a period of one week. All in favor? Passed and carried. Please hang you head in shame and continue to work in that cold shop. We will be expecting pix with interest shortly.:mad: :p
Now ken I tried to help you on this one creekers always got your back here.
Every delay is a day without saw dust. A day with out saw dust is like a day without sunshine!:D

Ken Fitzgerald
11-29-2004, 9:19 AM
Tyler......... :(

John Miliunas
11-29-2004, 10:03 AM
Wow...Guess he told YOU, Ken! :eek: Guess I can't blame him too much, as he spent much of his weekend, as did I, messing with trim for his house. Drag City! :(

On the box, yeah, better safe than sorry and, if you have the opportunity to have a choice, why the heck not?! I had that chance once and the box turned out beautiful, with perfect routing and all. :) Now, about those pics..... :mad: :) ;) :cool:

Ken Fitzgerald
11-29-2004, 12:15 PM
Tyler......I repent!!!!

Attached is a photo of my breaker panel. You'll notice there is only 3 empty slots!

It's wired in depth and distance.

I tried to balance the load on the 2 legs.

The ground wires and the neutrals wires going to the neutral buss are at the back of the box.

The hot wires are located closer to the front.

The wires that run the longest distance from their entry point into the box to the breaker were wired first. Thus the longest wires are closer to the rear and the shorter ones nearer the front.

News flash........utility company just arrived and I have power in the shop.....

Okay Tyler...tear up my wiring.......I can take it......But.....
can I have my badge back?......I won't wear it but it would be comforting to have it in my pocket! :eek: :rolleyes: :D :D

Keith Starosta
11-29-2004, 12:21 PM
Congrats on the electrons running throughout your walls!! Won't be long now before you are actually making some sawdust!! I'm GREEN with envy!!


Frank Pellow
11-29-2004, 1:32 PM
Looks good Ken -you have used a lot more of your box than I did of mine.

When are you now planning to "go live"?

When do you plan to insulate then finish the interior walls?

Ken Fitzgerald
11-29-2004, 1:54 PM
Frank.......I'm not sure what you mean by "live". I was hoping to temporarily install some of the outlets today. Unfortunately I'm having one of my vertigo attacks and shouldn't be doing anything. I hope install a couple of outlets on each wall later this week. I have a couple of contrator light stands that I'll use for light until I get the insulation and wallboard installed.

My "cash funds" are rapidly drying up and I thought it would be a while before I could insulate but .....SWMBO has informed me of my current balance and I just might have enough to insulate the walls and get the vapor barrier up. Then....I'll have to wait for the cash to build back up to hang the wall board and hire the fiberglass blown into the ceiling.

I've found out that when you build a shop you create a "cash black hole"!

I'm just happy that I've finally made another big step. It is seems to be taking a long time! Last December is when my wife proposed this thing. I got my first estimate in January.....it was way too high! Didn't find a contractor until May. He didn't finish until July and my part seems to be taking forever.

As I'm not retired, it has consumed every weekend and vacation day since July but it'll get done!

Dave Anderson NH
11-29-2004, 2:55 PM
Geesh Ken, these pix police are really tough on things. Even us moderators go easier on folks than Tyler and his crew.:rolleyes: As for having a "cash black hole", it could be much worse, you could be like Tyler and own a sailboat. They really aren't kidding when they say a boat is a hole in the water you pour money into. More importantly, you will end up with a really nice place once the insulation is in. Wallboard and the other stuff is just "trim".:)

Tyler Howell
11-29-2004, 6:47 PM
Well Done!:cool:
Pix and installation look first rate.
As I couldn't talk you into conduit we'll admire the semitry, clean lines and balance.
Was thinking if I get the good fortune to build or inhabit a separate shop space I'd go with Square Duct. Lots of flexibility for a dynamic environment.

Now your badge will be returned and I want you back out on the street fighting picture crime.:mad: :p .
Yes Boats are a hole in the water but those are boat dollars and they don't count:o .
I'm finding WW to be a money pit and soaking up a lot of the green.
Nice Job Ken. keep up the good work.

Fred Voorhees
11-29-2004, 7:16 PM
..........As I'm not retired, it has consumed every weekend and vacation day since July but it'll get done!

Ken, it seems as if we have the same story going on. I've been working on this former two car garage project since early last Spring. I had planned on having it pretty much wrapped up by now. That, unfortunately, is not the case. I have moved into the trim stage, so I am thankfully nearing to where I can see the light at the end of the tunnel - just need to build the bar, a poker table, a bookcase and a hutch for behind the bar. Trim out the entire room and put a "face" on the fireplace cabinet. Buy a pool table, beer dispenser, stools and chairs and of course a nice sized telly to watch the races on and probably the thing I dread most of all, applying a finish to the virtual SEA of oak in this room. Those things and I know about a million other smaller items before I consider the room actually "done". :confused:

Mark Stutz
11-29-2004, 8:24 PM
Yes Boats are a hole in the water but those are boat dollars and they don't count:o .

LOL! I've never heard of boat dollars, but I suspect they are very similar to tool dollars! :D

Jerry Olexa
11-29-2004, 10:23 PM
Tyler, I urge leniency in this case. He is a good man w a new shop and in his excitement and zeal, he overlooked pics. I'm sure he'll soon be back to normal and should be reinstated.

Kelly C. Hanna
11-29-2004, 11:16 PM
Looks good Ken! I knew you could get a pic on the forum before all ___broke loose....good man!

Tyler Howell
11-30-2004, 11:06 AM
Tyler, I urge leniency in this case. He is a good man w a new shop and in his excitement and zeal, he overlooked pics. I'm sure he'll soon be back to normal and should be reinstated.
Sorry Jerry,
Bend for one Break for others:confused: We'd have anarchy(sp):eek: Have to draw the line somewhere:mad:

Jerry Olexa
11-30-2004, 11:22 AM
Tyler, I understand. The buck has to stop somehere. (In this case, the Supreme court, Pic police division), You are doing a great job of reminding members of their responsibilities to this forum, specifically, more pictures!! :)

Ken Fitzgerald
11-30-2004, 11:25 AM
Jerry......he's named Tyler......he's the Photo Tyrant! :eek: :p :rolleyes: :D

Chris Padilla
11-30-2004, 11:34 AM
Hmmm, tell me all about how garage/shop rehabs take longer than you think. Only Mr. Jim Ketron has no clue what we are talking about! :)

Ken, very nice, outstanding, and totally anal job of wiring...you make me very proud! :D You may have even given me the guts to post a pic of my panel but it is kinda scary looking! :o

Ken Fitzgerald
11-30-2004, 12:03 PM
Chris....I have a new MR magnet delivering this morning. but......when I get the time I've got some pictures I want to take of my overhead wire routing....while I didn't use conduit......I think the tyrant :eek: :D ....I mean Tyler would approve!

Jerry Olexa
11-30-2004, 1:19 PM
Ken, you're right: Tyler, the Photo Tyrant!!:D

Tyler Howell
11-30-2004, 6:05 PM
Ken, you're right: Tyler, the Photo Tyrant!!:D What Must be, Must Be!
This is a MWE, (Modal Wood Environment) the paradime for all other WW forums.
The WW world is looking to us to maintain high standards and a level of social and cultural excellence. It's not a fun job but it has be done.:rolleyes:

Tyler Howell
11-30-2004, 6:10 PM
Yes Boats are a hole in the water but those are boat dollars and they don't count:o .

LOL! I've never heard of boat dollars, but I suspect they are very similar to tool dollars! :DMark,
Boat dollars (AKA Boat Units) come in denominations of $5, 10, 15 ..... . Those are $500, 1000, & 1500. It's a little less painful to endure.:o
Maybe we should establish Tool Units!
Might be easier to convince the S O of that desperately needed new toyl.
"But Honey, It's only 20 Tool Units.:D :D "

Frank Pellow
11-30-2004, 9:27 PM
Boat dollars (AKA Boat Units) come in denominations of $5, 10, 15 ..... . Those are $500, 1000, & 1500. It's a little less painful to endure.:o
Maybe we should establish Tool Units!
Might be easier to convince the S O of that desperately needed new toyl.
"But Honey, It's only 20 Tool Units.:D :D "
I love the concept of tool units. I would think that a tool unit should be worth about $10 US. What do others think?

Boyd Gathwright
11-30-2004, 11:07 PM
…. Hi Ken, Nice neat work on your electrical box. You must have been a wireman at one time or other.

Good quality work is always appreciated ;) .



Tyler......I repent!!!!

Attached is a photo of my breaker panel. You'll notice there is only 3 empty slots!

It's wired in depth and distance.

I tried to balance the load on the 2 legs.

The ground wires and the neutrals wires going to the neutral buss are at the back of the box.

The hot wires are located closer to the front.

The wires that run the longest distance from their entry point into the box to the breaker were wired first. Thus the longest wires are closer to the rear and the shorter ones nearer the front.

News flash........utility company just arrived and I have power in the shop.....

Okay Tyler...tear up my wiring.......I can take it......But.....
can I have my badge back?......I won't wear it but it would be comforting to have it in my pocket! :eek: :rolleyes: :D :D

Ken Fitzgerald
11-30-2004, 11:18 PM
Thanks Boyd......I spent 6 years of my 8 years in the Navy working in air traffic control centers. I actually had the dubvious pleasure of remodeling/overhauling both of the centers. In those days, the communication control system cabinets were all hand wired (FSA-32?....correct me Tyler, it's old age). You could easily spend the better part of a week standing in one place behind a single cabinet attaching wires to backplanes. In short, I had plenty of practice!

Kelly C. Hanna
12-01-2004, 8:18 AM
Tool units huh? You might have something there :D:D