View Full Version : A gift for my parents.

Russell Eaton
06-18-2010, 12:17 PM
I have only been turning for about 18 months now. I wanted to turn a goblet for my parents 50th ann. This is a Mahogany goblet that is about 7 inches tall. I had a friend do the laser work. It is finished with spray lacquer. Thanks for looking. By the way be easy on me, this is my first post on this website. Russell.

Roger Chandler
06-18-2010, 12:26 PM

Your idea of captive rings that overlap and presented on a celebratory goblet is a fine idea and something that I am sure will be cherished by your parents for the rest of their lives.

I think the laser engraving was a real personalization that made for a most unique and valued gift that shows real love and thoughtfulness on your part.

You did well on both the turning and the idea as a whole! Congratulations!

Dennis Ford
06-18-2010, 12:40 PM
Thats as nice of a goblet as any that I have seen, good work!

Thom Sturgill
06-18-2010, 12:59 PM
I'm sure they'll love it. Now I gotta find a tutorial on interlocking rings!

Roland Martin
06-18-2010, 1:29 PM
No choice but to be easy on you Russell, this is very nice work and a priceless gesture. Welcome to the forum, hope you stick around and keep posting.

John Keeton
06-18-2010, 1:46 PM
Russell, great intro!! Welcome to the Creek!

Excellent work and a wonderful idea. I have not done any captured rings yet, but they look like fun. I did see a tutorial somewhere (Raffan?) on the interlocked and the fellow broke one of the rings, interlocked them, and glued the break. I assume that how you did yours?

Tim Rinehart
06-18-2010, 1:52 PM
I think this is a great gift that will be cherished too. The interlocking rings is very symbolic, especially given their names inscribed.

Well done. You just set your own internal bar higher with that fine work.

PS: Don't feel too compelled to reveal any secrets ... unless you really want to. ;)

Karl Card
06-18-2010, 3:24 PM
"go easy on me"...uhmmm sounds like you may just be a little hard on yourself.... lol

I think they look very nice. here a couple months ago I had a little bit of money and bought a turning tool to cut those circles and still havent done it because basically I have no ideal where to start...

anyway.... nice job and as others have said if you feel up to a tutorial on how you did the rings I think alot of us would be interested...

John Hart
06-18-2010, 3:52 PM
Welcome to the Creek Russell!! No need to go easy on you...It's a great looking goblet, a fine gift, and a nice way to introduce yourself. :)

David E Keller
06-18-2010, 6:25 PM
One of the nicest goblets I remember seeing! I'm sure it will be well received. I'm looking forward to seeing more round things out of you.

Rob Cunningham
06-18-2010, 9:08 PM
Russell, that's beautiful. Nice job on the interlocking rings and a great gift for a 50th anniversary.

Allen Neighbors
06-18-2010, 9:44 PM
Welcome to the Creek!!!

What they all said!!

Ken Fitzgerald
06-18-2010, 10:00 PM
Welcome to the Creek Russell!

Nicely done unique gift and I'll guarrantee it will be well received! Very nicely done!