View Full Version : Need help picking kitchen finish

Richard McComas
06-18-2010, 11:59 AM
I currently in the process of building a blood wood kitchen. I would like a very clear satin finish to keep the bloodwood as natural as possible.

I have pretty much decided on one of the Target Coating products. But which one is durable enough for kitchens cabinets? I was thinking of sealing with Zinzzer Seal Coat or Target's WB shellac and top coating with SC9000. But maybe the EM6000 or their CV is durable enough.

Any thought would be appreciated.


Howard Acheson
06-18-2010, 5:33 PM
Give Target a call. There have been reports of problems when applying their waterborne finish over SealCoat. The owner will be happy to talk to you and will recommend what products to use.