View Full Version : Air driven pole hammer ??

Erik Stol
06-18-2010, 5:52 AM

I am asked to build some fences (about 300 feet in total). As I am a kind of lazy, i don't want to stand al weekend smashing poles with a sledgehammer. Does anyone of you know if there is an airdriven polehammer on the market. I thought i saw one once on thHF website, but couldnt trace it anymore.

Thanx in advance and if there are volunteers to raise the sledgehammer, please call!;)

Tom Esh
06-18-2010, 6:47 AM
Google "post driver". They look sorta pricey though. Rental might be a good option.

Jerome Stanek
06-18-2010, 7:02 AM
I use a post driver it is a well casing with 2 handles welded on and a heavy plate on top. You put it over the post and slide it up and pull it slam it down on the post top. Lot easier than a sledge hammer.

Curt Harms
06-18-2010, 8:31 AM
Google "post driver". They look sorta pricey though. Rental might be a good option.

The tractor mounted post drivers were the shiz. Drive a 4" wood post in about 3 licks. There was an attachment for breaking up concrete slabs, too. I've never seen one at the rental places around here. Augers yes, but not post drivers.

Thomas Pender
06-18-2010, 8:41 AM
They are available and are quite common where you have beef and dairy cattle. Some are quite expensive and can load many posts at a time in a magazine. You might could call an agricultural equipment dealer and see if they rent them.

Tom Esh
06-18-2010, 9:33 AM
Something that requires it's own vehicle just might be overkill here :D
300 feet is only 30 or 40 posts.

There are small pneumatic versions of the slide-hammer type Jerome noted:

Check your local rental centers. Around here HD rents them.

jared herbert
06-18-2010, 10:11 AM
If you are using steel posts, you can put one in in about a minute with a hand driver. If you are using wooden ;posts you can drill a hole with a ha nd auger auger in about 5 minutes. I live on a farm so this subject comes up periodically. Often it is a lot quicker to do the job with hand operated tools than going to all of the trouble of setting up power equipment. two years ago I built about 2500 feet of fence, a combination of wood and steel posts and 4 barb wires in a couple of days. Good, honest labor. Jared

David Helm
06-18-2010, 11:36 AM
+1 on the hand operated post driver. Did 600 feet of fence on my property, had all the posts driven in half a day. As someone said "good honest work"!

Erik Stol
06-18-2010, 1:55 PM
Guys, thanx for your input. It was indeed the striker I did see someday, but to pay 275 euro's is a bit to much. I will go for the hand driven method, ouch my back. I will ask my contractor to construct one for me and then start hammering the poles.

David Helm
06-18-2010, 10:35 PM
It shouldn't hurt your back. I'm 67 years old and can still use this tool. I don't know the hardware situation in the Netherlands, but here in the US most real hardware stores have post drivers in stock.