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View Full Version : Something totally different ... and I don't have anymore...BOOO HOOOO

Tom Mullane
11-28-2004, 10:06 PM
Here is something totally different... and unfortunately I don't have any more of it... again, found this in the old chicken coop while collecting some corn cobs....
This is made from something that was the Colonial equivalent of today's plastic... just about anything we do with plastic today was done with this material... drinking glasses, plates, combs, etc.. all made from this natural material... Do you know what it is...

Yup good old fashion cow horn... but the problem today is that the horns on cattle are docked when the cow or bull is very young and you can't find horns that have 5-6" of thick end on them... I would venture to guess that you might find some on longhorn cattle.. but there are not all that many of them around either...
The stuff turns like plastic and takes a shine like plastic... but you have to be careful because it does have a grain and can chip out if you are not careful... I practiced on some scraps between centers just to find out what would work on it... I found that giving it a coat of BLO gave the horn an almost golden translucent look that I really liked... if no BLO is used the look is more opaque and somewhat duller... the choice is yours... IF you can find some..
This one was sanded to 800 grit, then a little BLO to give it a golden translucence and finished with CA sanded to 12000 MicroMesh and a coat of President's Choice...

Craig Fyock
11-28-2004, 10:22 PM
Very, Very nice. Let me know if you find anymore commercially available. What is BLO?
Great Job. Keep on posting...

Jim Ketron
11-28-2004, 11:08 PM
Very Nice Tom!!
you do some very unique turning keep up the great work!!

Tom you are turning everything on the farm that you can get your hands on!!
Cant wait to see what you come up with next!

Michael Stafford
11-29-2004, 6:25 AM
Tom, that is a lovely find from the chicken coop. You do know that all that chewing gum in the chicken coop is not chewing gum. :eek: :p :D

David Wilson
11-29-2004, 8:43 AM
You forgot to mention that horn stinks while turning.

Tom Mullane
11-29-2004, 9:10 AM
BLO is boiled linseed oil... I mix it 50/50 with mineral spirits and usually use it to pop the grain on woods like cherry,figured maples, walnut, etc...
It can also be used in conjuction with CA to create a faster setting finish...

Yes cow horn stinks when you turn it... but no where as bad as antler or desert ironwood.. LOL...

Michael Stafford
11-29-2004, 9:45 AM
Ditto on the desert ironwood. Really foul...