View Full Version : EM6000 and dewaxed shellac - application question

Jeff Hamilton Jr.
06-17-2010, 5:08 PM
I am a first time user of EM6000 (actually this will be my first spray with water borne lacquer -- full disclosure:D), and was wondering if I could apply a coat or two of dewaxed shellac as a colorant and barrier coat.

Seems like an easy question, but either I'm not a very good querier (couldn't find here or on Target's forum) or it hasn't yet been answered.

Thanks in advance to you experts . . .


Steve Schoene
06-17-2010, 6:21 PM
You can, but make sure the dewaxed shellac is fresh. Target has said, somewhere, that Seal Coat must be under 6 months old to be fresh enough. Best is to mix fresh from flakes.

Joe Chritz
06-18-2010, 5:48 AM
I would go so far as to say not only can you but you should.

I use zinseer seal coat under all the projects I spray with EM6000. I haven't ever checked the dates but obviously fresher is better for shellac.


Rob Cunningham
06-18-2010, 8:01 AM
A coat of dewaxed shellac is a good idea. Just keep your shellac coat thin especially if you use SealCoat. There have been some crazing issues when using EM6000 and Zinseer SealCoat. It seems to be a problem when the shellac is sprayed too thick or is old. Run through your whole finish schedule first on scrap pieces.

Jeff Hamilton Jr.
06-19-2010, 4:11 PM
Steve, Rob and Joe,

Thanks so much for your responses. The dewaxed I'll be using are flakes from shellacfinishes.biz; I have used them in the past for an old-fashioned, french polish and it laid down very nicely.

W/O any experience "topping" it, especially with this new-to-me waterborne finish, I really appreciate your experience and input.


Dick Sylvan
06-30-2010, 1:26 PM
What is EM6000?

Chris Friesen
06-30-2010, 1:42 PM
What is EM6000?

EM6000 is a waterborne "lacquer" from Target that has the ability to chemically "burn in" to previous coats the same way a true lacquer does.

This is useful if you want to build up a thick film with multiple coats and then buff it out to a perfect gloss. If you try this with a finish that doesn't burn in then you can get "witness lines" when you cut through one layer of finish into the next.

Larry Fox
06-30-2010, 4:36 PM
Rare is the finish schedule that I use that does NOT have a coat or so of dewaxed shellac under the EM6000. I don't specifically use it as a colorant but no reason you can't do that so long as the dye (??) you use is compatable with everything. You could also just put down the shellac and put the dye in the EM6000.

I buy all my shellac from Homestead - it is fantastic stuff.

Jeff Hamilton Jr.
07-01-2010, 10:33 AM

Thank you for your input. All is welcome and truly helpful!