View Full Version : A Burly Gloat!!

John Keeton
06-16-2010, 7:34 PM
I know most of you guys and gals harvest your own burls. And, I have on the lookout myself. So far, all I have found is a Chinkapin oak over on the ridge from the house that has three large burls. The tree is diseased, and I hope to harvest those soon.

In the meantime, I have developed this fondness for Big Leaf Maple burls. So, this is what I got today from Mike Smith. The tape measure is for scale, and this pile is 45" side to side. All are BLM burls, and bone dry except the one small Ambrosia burl to the bottom left.

I should be able to get at least a couple of forms from the larger burls (and possibly three from a couple) plus lots of other little uses.

Neat stuff!!

alex carey
06-16-2010, 7:46 PM
thats some good looking wood. No doubt you'll do it justice.

Allen Neighbors
06-16-2010, 8:13 PM
John, those are really nice looking burls!! Who is Mike Smith...? Does he have a business?
I've only turned one small burl... might like to try another...

John Keeton
06-16-2010, 8:20 PM
Allen, Mike is here (http://easternncwoodworkers.com/msmith/woodblocks.htm). I have bought a BUNCH of wood from him - nice fellow and good prices. He has west coast connections, and has a lot of Claro walnut (another favorite!), the Big Leaf maple, and a bunch of other domestics. No exotics of which I am aware.

I really like turning dry wood, and between Mike and Jeff Nicol, I have accumulated a pretty good stash.

One of these days, I will get into the DNA process, but honestly, rough turning green wood just isn't as appealing to me as to some. I have done a few blanks and sealed them to dry, but not many.

David DeCristoforo
06-16-2010, 9:23 PM
That's a nice looking heap of burls. I have a weakness for burls too so please excuse the drool...

brian watts
06-16-2010, 9:27 PM
very nice load you have there..

Roland Martin
06-16-2010, 9:36 PM
Those are some gorgeous looking burls John, and nice sizes too:). I'm going to have to give Mike a call again, I didn't reallize he had dry burls:rolleyes:
Can't wait to see what you dream up for those!

John Hart
06-16-2010, 10:14 PM
Dear John,

I hate you

Best Regards,

charlie knighton
06-16-2010, 11:50 PM

John Keeton
06-17-2010, 6:18 AM
Dear John,

I hate you

Best Regards,
JohnSounds much like several of the "Dear John" letters of my youth!!:D

Donny Lawson
06-17-2010, 6:23 AM
Nice looking burls.I can't wait to see the art pieces you make from them.

Bernie Weishapl
06-17-2010, 8:05 AM
Dear John,

Were you hiding those burls when I stopped by????????


bob svoboda
06-17-2010, 8:58 AM
Nice gloat, John. Can't wait to see what you turn from those beauties!

David E Keller
06-17-2010, 9:03 AM
Nice looking stash... I concur with Mr. Hart.

Harvey Ghesser
06-17-2010, 9:40 AM
I'm your friend, John!
Never mind those other boys!:D

John Hart
06-17-2010, 10:01 AM
That's ok Harvey...You go ahead and try to schmooze your way to burly happiness.

I'm forming a team of bandits. Bernie is in charge (since he's been to John's house)

We're going for The Score. ;)

Joe Shinall
06-17-2010, 11:07 AM
Nice gloat John. Can't wait til I get good enough to try and tackle some burl. I am buying 10 acres of woods to build a house and lots and lots of old hardwood and burl from just the front acre I walked through.

Can't wait to see what you do with those pieces.

Tony De Masi
06-17-2010, 11:32 AM
Dear John,

Nice score there. Not sure why some folks seem upset with you. It's not like you just found these or someone gave them to you. You actually bought them from a reliable dealer.



p.s. - I think you did hold out on Bernie, who is coming by my place on Monday, and could have brought one for me too. :rolleyes:

John Keeton
06-17-2010, 11:46 AM
Dear John,

Nice score there. Not sure why some folks seem upset with you. It's not like you just found these or someone gave them to you. You actually bought them from a reliable dealer.



p.s. - I think you did hold out on Bernie, who is coming by my place on Monday, and could have brought one for me too. :rolleyes:Tony, you surely don't think I would have shown Bernie my ENTIRE stash do you???:D;)

Actually, these just came in yesterday. Mike Smith has been quite ill, and while we had discussed these some time ago, he wasn't able to get them shipped until this week.

And, not to worry about ol' John Hart and his band of marauders - Harvey and I can hold 'em off!!

John Hart
06-17-2010, 7:54 PM
Oh...it's not that anyone is "upset"....we would just like to exercise our sense of entitlement.
John and Harvey are going to guard the burls.

And Bernie and I will take William Powell's helicopter (before he sells it for food) and we'll just launch a simple night raid.

We're not upset...we just want John's burls.

....and beverages out of his fridge.;)

John Keeton
06-17-2010, 8:27 PM
....and beverages out of his fridge.;)John, if I just set a little o' that "white lightnin' " out in the yard soes you git ta it first, you'd fergit 'bout them burls purty quick!!

Jim Underwood
06-17-2010, 8:36 PM
Oh... Hmmmm. Kentucky. That explains a lot...;)

Nice score on the burls John. I'll just stick with the free green wood thanks. I can't turn what I've got anyway. But I sure does love seeing those big streamers fly off a green chunk of wood...

Cathy Schaewe
06-17-2010, 10:04 PM
Dear John,

I think you did hold out on Bernie, who is coming by my place on Monday, and could have brought one for me too. :rolleyes:

I'm seeing Bernie thursday - he could have brought me one too! Since he's apparently not, count me in on the raid!;)

John Hart
06-18-2010, 5:13 AM
John, if I just set a little o' that "white lightnin' " out in the yard soes you git ta it first, you'd fergit 'bout them burls purty quick!!

Drat!! The perfect trap...of which there is no defense. I can just see it...people laying in the lawn, Cathy dating everyone, Bernie dancing the Macarena, William Powell dying of starvation.....it's, it's just getting too ugly. We may have to abort. :o