View Full Version : First Hollow form and a walking cane update

Matt Ranum
06-14-2010, 10:34 PM
Had some shop time this week and started playing around with a chunk of wormy Oak and this is the end result. One thing I discovered is I need to get myself some different tooling than what I have for doing insides like this, lets just say there is a reason I didn't post pics of the inside. :p

Don't laugh too hard its my first! :p:D

Matt Ranum
06-14-2010, 10:35 PM
Also, some of you may remember a cane I made for my Dad this past winter, here is the link.


Later I was asking how to make a decent looking ID for it rather than the address label they were using. After much advice I decided when I had the chance...meaning when I could pry it away from him again, I was going make a decent looking decal for it. Well a few weeks back I got from him, in pieces. He was really distraught that he did something really dumb and broke it. Told him not to worry about it we'd get 'er fixed up again but he was really beating himself up over it. He uses it with great pride like I've never seen from him before. So anyway onto my little update. Got it fixed and got a couple coats of lacquer on it again and was designing up the decal and wanted to really make it special so after some research here is what I did. He proudly served in the Air Force during the '50s as a F-89 fighter mechanic. I found the logos for the 74th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron "Flying Tiger's" when he was in Greenland. It was a Strategic Air Command base at the time so I put the logo in for that time period. Finished his hitch in Madison Wis. at Truax field with the 176 Fighter Interceptor Squadron, also put in the logo for them and then lastly he has been a member of the American Legion with their logo on the bottom.

I think he's really gonna love this now.

Ted Calver
06-15-2010, 12:02 AM
You did a great job on both, but your Dad is gonna love that cane repair.

charlie knighton
06-15-2010, 4:19 AM
very nice...

David E Keller
06-15-2010, 5:23 AM
The cane looks great, Matt. The open form is not too shabby either. You definitely will want some other tools if you plan on doing more hollowing... What kind of man would you be if you didn't want more tools?:D

John Hart
06-15-2010, 6:33 AM
The cane is spectacular Matt. The personalization to fit that which your Dad is most proud is something that just can't be bought. Nice job.

On the vessel...maybe you should just try a wood that turns a little easier than oak. Oak is difficult as it is...much less being your first attempt at hollowing. Maybe some cherry?

Nevertheless...Great job on both. :)

Michelle Rich
06-15-2010, 6:48 AM
please thank your Dad for his service & the cane is a great gift aknowleding that...As for the bowl..I didn't laugh out loud....really I didn't, but a funny little noise did escape my lips....:eek: sorry! Naw, just funnin' ya..it's a good first & I bet the 3-4-5 will be great...

Matt Ranum
06-15-2010, 7:20 AM
The cane is spectacular Matt. The personalization to fit that which your Dad is most proud is something that just can't be bought. Nice job.

On the vessel...maybe you should just try a wood that turns a little easier than oak. Oak is difficult as it is...much less being your first attempt at hollowing. Maybe some cherry?

Nevertheless...Great job on both. :)

Thanks John, the Oak is just what I had available at the moment and on a whim. I do have that piece of crack Willow that Jeff gave me last week but didn't really want to ruin it....if you know what I mean.:p

Bernie Weishapl
06-15-2010, 7:57 AM
Nice vase and the cane is awesome. Your dad will love it.

John Keeton
06-15-2010, 8:20 AM
Matt, great recovery on the cane - did you print them on clear acetate for gluing?

Also, I second the comments on oak!! Tough wood for a first time (or hundredth for that matter), but you did good!

Matt Ranum
06-15-2010, 8:47 AM
John the paper used was a water slide decal paper. http://www.amazon.com/Testor-Corp-Decal-Paper-Clear/dp/B000BLI6QS

I originally picked it up for making some logos for pens but for some reason I had better luck using it for this. Just put down a few coats of spray can lacquer on the wood and let it dry overnight. Print out your decal sheet and put a good coat of the same lacquer over the sheet to seal the ink and leave it till the next day to cure. Cut out your logo, put in water for a few seconds till it gets loose on the backing paper and slide it onto the wood. Take care to get all the wrinkles & water out with a paper towel and let dry overnight. Apply a few coats of lacquer over the top again and your done. Very simple really, and effective.

John Keeton
06-15-2010, 10:02 AM
Thanks, Matt!!! Great info, and I can see endless possibilities for this.

Mark Burge
06-15-2010, 12:55 PM
The cane decals look great. Your dad will love it. I think that the only thing that's missing from the bowl is having Winnie the Pooh tuning it upside down to get all the "hunny" out. :)

Matt Ranum
06-15-2010, 9:21 PM
The cane decals look great. Your dad will love it. I think that the only thing that's missing from the bowl is having Winnie the Pooh tuning it upside down to get all the "hunny" out. :)

Thats what I thought when I made it. :D

Richard Madison
06-15-2010, 11:02 PM
Nice work Matt, and cool idea on the decal paper.