View Full Version : UP-graded plane! (Pics)

John Miliunas
11-26-2004, 11:50 PM
So, I've been getting a fair amount of ribbing from the Power side of things. :( Well, I think I've finally come up with a solution! In honor of Tim Allen, the king of power, I present a true cordless plane! I sure do hope this keeps my powered brethren off my back for a bit! :D :cool:

Dean Baumgartner
11-27-2004, 12:18 AM
How's the battery life on one of those John?


Dick Parr
11-27-2004, 12:43 AM
Works for me! ;)

Lloyd Robins
11-27-2004, 1:20 AM
John, I think that I read an article somewhere about that plane. As I remember they said that the ECE model tends to create "burns." So be careful with that hot little unit. :D
Did you pop for the LN chisels or the Nishiki's? If Pam had chimed in you might be considering Tasai's also. :eek:

Seriously, I hope that you had a very nice Thanksgiving.



Bob Smalser
11-27-2004, 1:41 AM
So, I've been getting a fair amount of ribbing from the Power side of things.


Just keep at it on both sides of the craft...they don't rib me....at least where's I can hear it. ;)

Karl Laustrup
11-27-2004, 7:46 AM
Is that the newer model? My battery pack is on the back. :D Seriously, how many decibels that thing put out. Hopefully quieter than the corded planey thingy.


Tyler Howell
11-27-2004, 8:44 AM
Only in Spring Green!
Plenty of spirits with the holiday meal?:D :D
Nice one John. Needed a laugh this morning.

John Miliunas
11-27-2004, 9:31 AM
Dean, it's fantastic! Haven't had to charge it yet, at all! :)
Dick, I figured as long as I'm going on both ends of this WW thing, I may as well try to conform to both. :rolleyes:
Not sure about a mod for the EDE, Lloyd. Not enough metal on it, which I believe is needed for stability. :) No, haven't sprung for any chisels, yet. I have an el'cheapo set of Marples, which I think I'll get honed up and try first. I'm still very much at the "crawl before you can walk" stage!
Bob, you need to remember that I've been DEEPLY entrenched on the Power Side of things. Any ribbing I have got has been *purely* good-natured! :D
You have one with the pack on the *BACK*, Karl? Hmmmm....Seems that would lift the toe a bit much. Very quiet, actually! :o
Tyler, old buddy, *zero* spirits on Thanksgiving! Spent pretty much the whole day (before and after TG dinner) in the shop and we don't do *any* indulging when working out there! :) Hopefully, good for a laugh. I needed to do *something* yesterday for a little diversion, as all I've been doing is fitting trim in a very "crooked world" (our house) and milling more lumber to get more made! :( :cool:

Jim Becker
11-27-2004, 9:39 AM
Is that the new universal model that takes power packs from any manufacturer??? :D

John Miliunas
11-27-2004, 10:57 AM
Is that the new universal model that takes power packs from any manufacturer??? :D

'Fraid not, Jim. I've not yet developed a model for the slide-in type of power packs, ie., Porter Cable, Festool, etc... Oh, and you *need* to have a Wards Master brand of plane for this little conversion, too! :D :cool:

Bart Leetch
11-27-2004, 12:38 PM
Jeepers just more cheese...... :D

Here John shows me a high powered 18 volt block of wood setting on top of a Neanderthal plane & specs to believe he's come up with a new tool. :p Or is that your new high powered ch-ch-cheese grater. :D :D :D

John Miliunas
11-27-2004, 1:09 PM
Jeepers just more cheese...... :D

Here John shows me a high powered 18 volt block of wood setting on top of a Neanderthal plane & specs to believe he's come up with a new tool. :p Or is that your new high powered ch-ch-cheese grater. :D :D :D

Yikes! :eek: I've been found out! NOW, don't be telling LOML, as it's a WIP for a Christmas present for her! :D (Keeps telling me how she doesn't want stuff for Christmas, which you plug into the wall, so there you have it!) :) You *know* how hard it usually is to cut those nice thin slices! :) :cool:

Herb Blair
11-27-2004, 5:54 PM
I was very intrigued by your battery powered plane. Down here in Texas, well, we just can't let you northern boys get ahead. So I'm including pitures of my project plane.
The design specs are 400 horse power, 1000 board feet per gal. Long fluffy shavings.
The design problems so far are How do I get rid of the shavings fast enough not to clog the engine, and WHERE CAN I BUY an ADAPTER KIT?

John Miliunas
11-27-2004, 11:05 PM
Dang, you guys DO do it BIG down that-a-way! :eek: Well, don't know 'bout the adapter, but this cyclone would probably be a good start.... :D :cool:

Mark Singer
11-28-2004, 9:30 AM
I see you are getting into handtools..."your own way" More power to you!

John Miliunas
11-28-2004, 11:45 AM
I see you are getting into handtools..."your own way" More power to you!

Mark, just as a bit 'o information, the Wards planer was a hand-me-down from LOML's grandfather. Sadly, I don't believe they were one of the better ones to begin with and this bad boy has a nasty crack on the sole, right at the mouth! :( Her Grandpa wasn't a WW, but more of a "handyman", as was the case with a lot of our old-timers, with "necessity" being stronger than "desire". Still, kind of nice to keep around... :) :cool: