View Full Version : Camphor Tree

Joseph M Lary
06-10-2010, 9:46 PM
Here is a camphor tree that got taken down in Florida, my brother-in-law got some of this wood . The last two pictures are a tree that was down the road a few miles he said that they where about the same size.

Allen Neighbors
06-10-2010, 9:57 PM
Man! That's a huge tree! I never thought about Camphor getting that big! I'd love to have a bunch of that on the ground. It'd look really good in my wood pile!!

Joseph M Lary
06-10-2010, 10:54 PM
My tree book said it only gets 10"-25" diameter boy where they wrong.:D

brian watts
06-11-2010, 6:04 AM
WOW. thats unreal how big it got..

Fred Perreault
06-11-2010, 7:39 AM
It looks like someone will be needing something bigger than a hand truck :) How is camphor for turning?

Nathan Hawkes
06-11-2010, 10:03 AM
WOW. The shape but not the leaves looks like a laurel oak or live oak. Must be a southern thing. I'm very jealous! Looks like that big crotch will have some pretty figure in it. Seal up that end grain and get to turnin!!!

Thom Sturgill
06-11-2010, 10:54 AM
I've got a big chunk from a club meeting, but haven't turned any yet. Those who have says it is nice to turn and the shop will smell for a week! But its a nice smell:rolleyes:.

I just bought a chainsaw (stealth gloat! Stihl 211 was all my budget could handle) so that I could cut up some of the wood I've gotten recently from club raffles. That is high on the priority list to be turned!

Joseph M Lary
06-11-2010, 1:46 PM
The wood has some great color & figure ,I realy like turning it , My brother-in-law sent me some and I send him something that he dosent have or can get . but the shipping is getting out of hand, 48$ to ship 3 pc about 2 weeks ago .

Steve Schlumpf
06-11-2010, 2:41 PM
Very impressive sized tree! Don't get to many trees that big around here - to short of a growing season!

Chris Haas
06-11-2010, 5:32 PM
that exact tree was right down the road from my place, i didnt get to get out there to get any of the wood, to be honest, i'm overloaded now with blanks, but there was definatly plenty for all. good luck, camphor is great for turning, and clearing out sinuses. just make sure you clean all shavings and dust up when your done, otherwise your shop will reak of camphor oil to the point of queezy stomach

David E Keller
06-11-2010, 10:38 PM
That's a great looking tree. I actually tried to order some of that from someone on IAP(probably your BIL because the pics were the same). I never heard back from him. I think he was a little under the weather... I hope he's feeling better.

I love the way camphor turns, smells, and looks.

Edward Bartimmo
06-12-2010, 12:53 AM
Camphor, Red Bay, California Laurel (aka Oregon Myrtle, California Bay, Pepperwood), Sassafras are all in the same family...Laurel. Hence, they all have the distinctive aromatic smells.

Camphor originally comes from Asia. That is a huge tree...put on your ninja gear and go do a midnight recon for more wood!!!