View Full Version : SMC Art Challenge 2010 - Knighton & Marcantel collaboration

charlie knighton
06-10-2010, 8:25 AM
well, here is my attempt art, this is a collabative piece with Jerry Marcantel of Tucson Az who made the spear point


6 h X 5 w

velvit oil on heartwood, nothing on sapwood, use playdoh in cupcake shells to hold the spear


Richard Madden
06-10-2010, 8:54 AM
Kind of blurry...hard to see the spearpoint you mention. Maybe my eyes are the problem.

charlie knighton
06-10-2010, 9:35 AM
yes the photo is so so to poor, i tried different lights,angles, etc, and used constrast to try to improve the picture, the camera had trouble with light reflection of the spear point, with the light sapwood,

the spear point is really good, thanks to Jerry :D

Mark Burge
06-10-2010, 10:15 AM
Well, I think I would really like this one Charlie, but I can't get my glasses to work right. Usually when things look this way, I have to look through the very bottom of the lenses :) The light and dark areas are striking even in the blurry picture.

John Keeton
06-10-2010, 11:44 AM
Charlie, I think you and Jerry may have a winner here - is it possible to take another pic a little further back from the piece, and then crop it to size? Let me know if I can help.

Really nice piece of wood, and the form looks very nice. Would love to be able to see the details.

charlie knighton
06-10-2010, 12:23 PM
thanks John, this is better, should have let Jerry do picture taking

John Keeton
06-10-2010, 12:28 PM
Much better pic, Charlie! Is the spear point obsidian or flint?

charlie knighton
06-10-2010, 12:58 PM
i believe it is TV tube, Jerry jump in here and tell um about it

David E Keller
06-10-2010, 4:50 PM
Very interesting. Nice form on the vase. It's hard for me to get a perspective on the spear. Maybe more photos?

charlie knighton
06-10-2010, 5:21 PM
David, the spear is about 5" long made knapping, it is not smooth but the knapps are small and close together, Jerry does a very good job, excuse my poor pictures of it

Roland Martin
06-10-2010, 5:37 PM
Very nice form Charlie and the mesquite has great color & character. I would really like to be able to view the spear better & comment on that. Nonetheless, you & Jerry have done a very nice form.
Thanks for posting, by the way, do you have a utilitarian piece?

charlie knighton
06-10-2010, 6:15 PM
Thanks for posting, by the way, do you have a utilitarian piece?

yes Roland, but because i have a colloration piece i believe it was ruled on try out basis i would only get 1 piece :eek: :D

correct me if i am wrong moderators

Jerry Marcantel
06-10-2010, 7:26 PM
i believe it is TV tube, Jerry jump in here and tell um about it
The point in the very nice looking hollow form is made from a Panasonic TV tube. If I remember right, it's about 3/8" x 1 1/2"+ x 5+" long..... It has a little smokey color, but when photographed, it goes clear, and therefore very hard to photograph..... I'm looking for a picture that I took before I sent it to Charlie, and if I find it, I'll post it....
Charlie, is that a piece of the mesquite I sent you?.... If so, it doesn't look too shabby for orbiting you shop....... Nice job, and thanks again for including me in your challenge.....Jerry (in Tucson)

charlie knighton
06-10-2010, 7:51 PM
Jerry i am sorry to say that piece of desert burl mesquite did not make it, my skills were not up to the task of turning that desert mesquite, burl with inclusions, i ended up cutting the size down and then i lost my tendon rest, i was not happy, i may have enough to turn a couple of xmas ornments with now

the mesquite i used for this thread i got in arlington texas on a trip, it is still green, and the big fat worms are going to it, (i may have to get a Work Zone sign for the rest of the mesquite)the hole on the right is a worm hole, i tried to touch the holes (on left bark hole) up with a burning but as thick as i left the turning i may have caused the sapwood to crack

thanks again Jerry :D

Ken Fitzgerald
06-10-2010, 8:07 PM

The way I understood the agreement was this:

You could enter as a single unit....meaning 1 art piece and 1 utilitarian piece.

You couldn't have multiple entries......an art and utilitarian as collaborators....then each have individual entries too.

I hope this makes sense and I will contact Steve and John to verify it.

John Keeton
06-10-2010, 8:24 PM
That is my understanding, Ken. Together, they could still enter a collaborative utility piece in this same thread, but neither can enter an individual piece in either category.

charlie knighton
06-10-2010, 8:42 PM
Jerry, we could meet halfway, or you could be bop over here, i have some good oak i need to introduce you to, after that desert mesquite squirrelly piece it will be sooo easy .... he he :D

come to think about it, let me do the outside and expect some oak in the mail to hollow, ok Jerry

sounds good