View Full Version : 6 1/2" blade on 8" saw

Dan Chouinard
06-09-2010, 7:20 AM
I would like to install a 6 1/2" blade on my Safety Speed Cut panel saw which has a milwaukee 8" saw. Would this cause any damage to the saw?

Thanks ,

Joe Chritz
06-09-2010, 8:01 AM
A saw will spin any blade as long as it clears.

Your tooth speed with be considerably less than the 8" blade and the cut quality might be affected. The effective hook angle would also be different.

Seems like a 7 1/4" blade would be cheaper and easier to find.

To figure surface feet per minute:

Measure the diameter in inches and divide it by twelve to find the diameter in feet. Then multiply it by pi, Π or 3.14 to get the circumference in feet. Finally, multiply it by the R.P.M. to get S.F.M.

12000 FPM at 5800 PRM for an 8" blade
9800 FPM for a 6.5" blade

For reference a 10" tablesaw blade is about 9000 FPM.


Dan Chouinard
06-09-2010, 10:24 AM
Thanks Joe for the reply.

The SSC C4 panel saw is small and therefor has limitations. There is only 30" from blade to end of frame which makes 8' ply rips cumbersome. Additionally there is no midrail so narrow crosscuts are made down low which my 48 year old knees do not appreciate. No accessories such as stops came with this used saw but it is in excellent condition and only cost me $750 delivered to my shop.

If I can mount a sacrificial 4' by 8' piece of 3/4 birch to the frame it will enable me to cheaply and accurately make the bottom rail 50" from blade on each side, a midrail to bring narrow cross cuts to waist height, and any number of stops.

Of course an 8" blade would cut clean through the 3/4 sacrificial birch. A 7 1/4" blade would still nearly cut all the way through. A 6 1/4" blade would be perfect just so long as there would be no harm to the 1 3/4 horse saw motor and no significant compromise to cut quality.

If this is not a crazy idea, which kind of 6 1/4 blade should I buy as far as tooth count and hook angle?

Thanks again,

Stephen Cherry
06-09-2010, 2:10 PM
Isn't this about the same thing as using an 8" dado on a 10" table saw?

Joe Chritz
06-09-2010, 6:24 PM
Isn't this about the same thing as using an 8" dado on a 10" table saw?


Actually the SFM is the same with as a 10" tablesaw blade so the only real differences is the angle of attack (which is likely negligible) and the fact that the blades wear a bit faster. Although the difference is probably pretty slight.

I would contact one of the major saw blade suppliers and see what they offer. Currently I am running a Hi-ATB ultimate cross cut from Freud on my tablesaw and it is excellent. There is likely to be something similar available in smaller sizes.


Dan Chouinard
06-10-2010, 6:31 AM
Who are the major saw blade suppliers Joe?
Thanks again,

Dan Chouinard
06-10-2010, 3:53 PM
Where do Creekers buy their blades and what are the favorite brands?

Joe Chritz
06-10-2010, 5:12 PM
Freud, Forrest, Infinity, CMT, Ridge carbide and a few I am not thinking off right now.

I have Freud blades because I have always had good luck with them. Not sure what they are going to have in a 6 1/2" version though.

Not all manufactures blades are great. Freud makes several different price levels with varying degrees of quality. Although in tablesaw blades even the mid priced ones have been very good for me.


Dan Chouinard
06-10-2010, 10:16 PM
Freud makes two 6 1/2" 40 tooth ATB blades. The TK301 and the D0641. Could not find any Forrest or Tenryu 6 1/2" blades.