View Full Version : Cherry Burl Hollow Form... help?

Jon Lanier
06-08-2010, 10:15 PM
I had planned to make a visit tonight but I ended up with a flat tire, so it was rescheduled for tomorrow. I decided to grab this Cherry Burl that I thought checked up way to much and just 'test' it out.

'Turns' out that it may just work out! Now... I've stopped for now, this is still 'green.' I'm going to do a hollow form with it. (or attempt it). How should I proceed from here? Do I hollow out a little bit and do a DNA bath like a bowl and finish later.... or do I just go ahead and take her down to about 1/4" or so and let the warping and nature have at it?

Thanks.... and (ooooh it feels good to be turning again.

Steve Schlumpf
06-08-2010, 10:20 PM
Jon - glad to see you turning! Sorry about the flat....

Been my experience with Cherry - even the burls - that they love to crack when drying. If it were mine - I would turn to 10% of the finished thickness - just like a bowl - DNA, wrap and finish turn it in a month or so.

Best of luck with the drying!

David E Keller
06-08-2010, 10:23 PM
+1 on what Steve said. Also, if you're not going to rough the inside now, I'd bag the whole thing up tightly while it's still on the chuck to try and slow the drying until you get it fully roughed out.

Jon Lanier
06-08-2010, 10:31 PM
Gotcha.... I just realized my DNA bucket was left in Ohio and stores are closed. I'm going down now to 'bag' it.