View Full Version : Jet air filtration opinions please

Kevin Gregoire
06-07-2010, 2:40 PM
i have a small shop 11'x22'x7.5' and have been wanting to put up a Jet air filtration unit and i have a chance to get a AFS1000B which measures 30-1/4'' x 24-1/8'' x 12-1/8'' which is probably overkill for my shop but i can get it for a good price.

i think i would rather go with the AFS400 which is much smaller 20-1/4" x 17 x 10-1/8" and lighter. but its new for not much more so im curious which unit i should get?

i would think the smaller one because of the size and weight and also easier on me installing it as im partially handicapped. but is the smaller air flow enough for the size of my shop?

AFS1000B cfm 550, 702, 1044
AFS400 cfm 260, 362, 409

which way should i go in your opinion and why?

Dave MacArthur
06-07-2010, 3:27 PM
Get the smaller one. Your shop is only 1815 cubic feet, before you put all your stuff in there. Even at the lowest setting of 260 cfm on the smaller one, you turn all the air over in 6.9 minutes. Of course that's not going to be reality, but the big picture that tells you is you can cycle your air through that thing 10 times in an hour, which is plenty.

With air filters, you don't have to generate static pressure or airspeed, you only have to pump CFM with no load through the filter. The filter is just to get the suspended fines out of the air, so long as you place it in a way that generates good airflow circulation through the shop, the AFS400 is easily sufficient.

I have one of the AFS400s, you are correct that it is some effort to install on the ceiling (best spot). I have mine in a 3-car garage much bigger than your shop, and it does a good job of removing dust. The air smells crisp and clean, no dust on top of things, when I run it for 4 hours at night.

The 2 hr/4hr/6hr timer is nice, when I leave the shop I just leave it on 4 hours on high.