View Full Version : Some spindle pieces

Paul Atkins
06-07-2010, 1:36 PM
I'll agree there are not enough spindle turnings here, so I'll show some of what I've done in the past couple of weeks. These are alder columns for a customer/furniture maker that I do lots of work for. The first two are about 30" tall. Most of the time I do not get to see the finished project except on his website. One nice thing is he gives me full size cad drawings of what he wants. I've got 4 more for this week.

Tim Rinehart
06-07-2010, 1:41 PM
Very cool and weighty pieces. I certainly wouldn't have the confidence to stand those large ones side by side, but you did a wonderful job. I'd have a hard time just getting similar beads/coves, let alone line up the newel edges like you did.

Do you do a lot of spindle work, have any 'tips' on replicating? Or just practice practice practice. I see very few differences between these pieces, excellent. I would be a happy customer.

bob svoboda
06-07-2010, 1:47 PM
Very nice work.

John Keeton
06-07-2010, 2:31 PM
Paul, as always, your spindle work is amazing! And, just from a very fundamental perspective, I don't know how you do this stuff day in, day out, and do it with such interest. I would have to honestly say I don't think I could retain my enthusiasm for it, but you sure seem to do OK with it.

Roland Martin
06-07-2010, 3:07 PM
You certainly do some fantastic spindle work Paul. I can't imagine that I could even come close to replicating 7 spindles with that kind of accuracy.

I recently finished a kitchen and did attempt to turn 2 farmers legs for the island, thank God they were 9 feet apart:D

Steve Schlumpf
06-07-2010, 8:14 PM
Paul - as always - I appreciate your eye for detail! Very nice work! I am sure your customer(s) are thrilled with the results!

Matt Hutchinson
06-08-2010, 12:24 AM
Very cool Paul. Thanks for posting the spindle work. It's very encouraging! Keep it coming!
