View Full Version : Wild cedar hollow form

Tim Rinehart
06-07-2010, 10:34 AM
Someone recently posted about cedar and especially how wild the figure and grain can be in the area near the base.
This is from such a piece I got a few weeks ago, and finished the HF about a week ago, but hadn't taken any pics till today.

The piece is 4.5" diam x 6" tall, and wall thicknesses about 1/8" throughout. I had a couple small cracks start (typical with cedar) and was able to catch them in time to CA them.

Tip: if you spray shellac or wipe on area you want to CA BEFORE applying CA...it won't stain surrounding area so much, but will still migrate into the crack. I didn't know this for the longest time (well, several months) and was told about it from a club member.

Finish is shellac sealer, followed by natural Danish Oil and then Beall system buff and polish, and waxed using Ren Wax.
Comment and critique welcome.

Tom Lewis
06-07-2010, 12:19 PM
Beautiful work. Thanks for the Tip.

Al Wasser
06-07-2010, 2:00 PM
sanding sealer does the same thing on most woods. I haven't found anything that will keep CA from staining Aspen

Tim Rinehart
06-07-2010, 2:05 PM
I've been using the Mylands Sanding Sealer, which I've assumed is mostly just shellac. Is there a difference, if you know perhaps?
I've been meaning to try shellac flakes, from scratch, but haven't got around to it yet. I also hear good things about Deft Shellac in can from borg, and thinning down as needed with DNA.
I'm guessing the Aspen is so porous, even though surface is sealed, it travels underneath and shows thru. I've heard it's one of the most translucent of woods, and saw some videos of a guy making lampshades from it. Beautiful finished products.

Roland Martin
06-07-2010, 2:18 PM
Really nice color & grain Tim. You do some really nice hollow forms, very envious:). I'll have to give the shellac a try, I've all but stopped using it for that for the staining, thanks.

John Keeton
06-07-2010, 2:46 PM
Very nice piece, Tim, and I agree, you are doing some very nice work! I am not a huge fan of the very small bases, but they do seem to be popular on these forms.

The spray shellac is normally not dewaxed, and could cause an adhesion problem for some finishes applied over it. And, the only "in the can" dewaxed shellac of which I am aware is the Zinsser's Seal Coat. I believe it is a 2# cut.

Bill Bolen
06-07-2010, 4:12 PM
Pretty piece. I too love turning Cedar.

Edward Bartimmo
06-07-2010, 4:38 PM
Once CA is applied it seals the wood underneath it. The resulting discoloration is that the wood under the CA isn't able to absorb the finish when it is applied. The easiest solution would be to apply a light coat of the finish to the troubled area before applying CA.

In addition to the previously mentioned technique of sealing the wood with lacquer or shellac before applying the CA is to use an Oil, such as danish oil. I watched a turner cover the area with a light coat of Watco. She let it dry for only a minute or two before appling CA. There was no visible difference in color.

I need to experiment with the amount of oil that can be applied before it causes a problem with the CA curing or forming solid bond with wood...

Thom Sturgill
06-07-2010, 5:13 PM
Since OP mentioned this. I guess its not a hijack :rolleyes:
This brings to mind the instructions I have seen for using CA as a finish on pens where the pen was first oiled then CA was placed on top of a drop of oil on the applicator each time.

BTW Tim, very nice piece, thanks for showing and thanks for the tip.

charlie knighton
06-07-2010, 5:19 PM
very nice, i have trouble, no make that failure with cedar, again well done

Mark Burge
06-07-2010, 6:59 PM
Nice job. I like ceder but I rarely see it used to such effect. This is an excellent piece.

Steve Schlumpf
06-07-2010, 8:44 PM
Beautiful vase Tim! Excellent form with outstanding color and grain!

Bernie Weishapl
06-07-2010, 8:45 PM
That is a beauty Tim. Really nice color and form looks good.

David E Keller
06-07-2010, 8:53 PM
Nicely done. I like the narrow foot on the piece and the wonderful cedar coloration. Thanks for the tip on the CA treatment after sealing. The natural void is nicely incorporated, and it sure makes checking the wall thickness easier!:D

John Hart
06-08-2010, 6:40 AM
Nice piece!! Save your shavings...put 'em in a sock, and throw it in your dressers and closets.

...Or maybe just toss a shovel-full on to the closet floor....for that down-home feeling. :)

John Keeton
06-08-2010, 6:51 AM
Nice piece!! Save your shavings...put 'em in a sock, and throw it in your dressers and closets.

...Or maybe just toss a shovel-full on to the closet floor....for that down-home feeling. :)John, I used to keep some in my underwear - could wear the darn things for days without any apparent odor, but the comfort factor left a little to be desired!!!:D:D:D

John Hart
06-08-2010, 7:18 AM
John, I used to keep some in my underwear - could wear the darn things for days without any apparent odor, but the comfort factor left a little to be desired!!!:D:D:D

Comfort means nothing....You should never have moths in your underwear!! That's a rule to live by! :D