View Full Version : Delta Sander Station - gloat and question

Betsy Yocum
11-25-2004, 12:55 PM
ok - first the gloat - got a new Delta Sanding Station - 6" belt sander, 12" disc sander and pneumatic sander all in one. Pretty sweet set up for sure!!!

I've got it all set up - no small feat let me tell you - this baby is HEAVY!! Did I mention it weighs a lot? :p

So by way of a minor review - the assembly is quite easy - once you get it onto the legs that comes with it. This is definetly a two man - er - a woman job - ok it would probably take 4 guys - but only took 2 women ---- :D :D

The disc sander and table were quite easy to adjust - my one complaint and I'm sure this is true with most disc sanders - the dust collection is worthless - but I can live with it - as long as I wear my Trend respirator!!

The pneumatic sander was easy enough to assemble until you got to the dust collector part - it had a different kind of attachment - one I've never come across and, of course, there were no written instructions on this part (which I'm not sure why there weren't) - but it was basically a clamping system that fit into the groove on the hub that surrounds the sanding bar. Once I figured it out - it is actually a pretty ingenious set up.

The belt sander was the bugaboo trying to get it adjusted to hold the belt tracking. It was difficult to get the set screws just right - but once they were adjusted - the belt tracks great.

From start to finish it took about 2 hours to set up and about another hour to adjust etc.

:) ok - so maybe just a bit more than an hour to adjust - I'm still working a bit on the belt sander portion. Herein lies my question:)

When I adjust the table to 90 degrees to the belt - the table and belt are exactly 90 degrees until you get two about 3" from the "top" of the belt table. Then its off by about 8-10 degrees. I'm guessing that's not a major problem since I'll probably be using the belt more toward the middle in most cases. But I want to make sure that this is normal and not a problem with the machine that I need to get addressed. Sooo my fellow wwing junkies - is this a problem or am I obsessing?

Thanks - and Happy Thanksgiving!!

Bruce Page
11-25-2004, 2:29 PM
Betsy, I'm not sure what you mean by "top" of the belt table. Are you talking about up by the top roller?
Is the table square to the platen? If it it is, that's as good as you can get.

Jim Becker
11-25-2004, 2:35 PM
Betsy, congratulations on the new sanding station! Good machine for all kinds of wood shaping work. Relative to the table you mention...make sure it's flat and that the mounting system is square to the tool. If not, contact Delta/the reseller for a replacement. It should be at the same "angle" all the way across the belt and in all areas of the table.

Jim Barrett
11-25-2004, 4:09 PM

I have the Delta 31-300 6"Belt/12" disc sander, same one? Mine is still sitting in the box, assembled the stand but waiting for some "muscle" to come over and give me a hand placing the unit on the stand....heavy!


Tyler Howell
11-25-2004, 4:23 PM

I can AAAAAAAAlmost imagine it, but a pix would be much more helpful in sharing your joy, knowing your pain and joining in this wonderful journey.

Betsy Yocum
11-25-2004, 6:07 PM

I can AAAAAAAAlmost imagine it, but a pix would be much more helpful in sharing your joy, knowing your pain and joining in this wonderful journey.
I knew it, I just knew it - I'd get caught by the pix police!:rolleyes:

Tyler - my humble apologies what was I thinking! I'll take a few quick pics and be right back!


Jack Hogoboom
11-25-2004, 6:27 PM

Good to know the picture police are working even on Thanksgiving. Betsy, a picture or two would be nice as I believe your machine is at the top of my Xmas list.


Betsy Yocum
11-25-2004, 6:31 PM
Jim - that's the same system I got, except mine came with the pneumatic sander as an attachment.

ok here's the picture of the center to satisfy the picture police.

now to the da --- thought I'd get a good picture of the square next to the sander - but thought it would be a better visual to show the square next to the table without the belt on ----- so this meant taking off the top protector, the back and the pnematic system. No big deal - well - here's the da..... once I took all that stuff off and put the square next to the sander - just like that I saw the "out-of- square" problem - the square went past the end of the table and was into the area around the roller - hence the appearance of out of square.

So I've learned a lesson here. Thanks for the help anyway fellas!!


Marshall Harrison
11-25-2004, 6:48 PM
Nice Betsy!

But you should have know that adding a review to your gloat wouln't appease the picture police. Good try though.

Marshall Harrison
11-25-2004, 6:49 PM
Sometimes I think the only thing standing between me and success is my spelling. I proofread that last post and still missed two spelling errors.

Jim Becker
11-25-2004, 7:55 PM
I proofread that last post and still missed two spelling errors.
You can just click on "Edit" and fix the post after the fact...I do it all the time...dyslexic typing.

Marshall Harrison
11-25-2004, 8:12 PM
Thanks Jim. I never seem to remember to just edit the post.

Actually I'm a very good speller. It's just that I'm a lousy typist and my fingers get out of sequence a lot. :D

John Miliunas
11-25-2004, 9:16 PM
Hmmm..My spelling is usually pretty good, it's my thoughts dyslexic are that! :eek:

Betsy, great score! I've got the smaller Jet version w/o the drum and use it a LOT! Have fun with it! :) :cool:

Steve Evans
11-25-2004, 9:31 PM
Did you know that 10 out of 3 woodworkers are dyslexic. :rolleyes:

Norman Hitt
11-26-2004, 2:58 AM
Very Nice addition, Betsy. Incidentally, How's the swing out drawer Jewelry box coming along? Have you settled on a design yet?

[Neither my eyes, brain or fingers are Dislexic------It's my Keyboard, I'm sure]


Tyler Howell
11-26-2004, 8:02 AM
A fine addition to your arsenal Betsy. Thanks for sharing.:cool:

Frank Pellow
11-26-2004, 8:42 AM
Thanks for the mini-review and (eventually) the picture Betsy.

Betsy Yocum
11-26-2004, 1:55 PM
Very Nice addition, Betsy. Incidentally, How's the swing out drawer Jewelry box coming along? Have you settled on a design yet?
Norman - The jewelry box is coming along ok - I've got the boxes made and have come up with a bushing system and rod that works ok. The problem is the size of the boxes my friend wants. If you put any weight at all in the box it tilts the box enough that when you swing one box the box below it moves with it. I think if the boxes were smaller that would not be a problem - but then the boxes would be to small for much. I should have the prototype finished this weekend and will post pics. Thanks for asking.


Norman Hitt
11-26-2004, 7:20 PM
Norman - The jewelry box is coming along ok - I've got the boxes made and have come up with a bushing system and rod that works ok. The problem is the size of the boxes my friend wants. If you put any weight at all in the box it tilts the box enough that when you swing one box the box below it moves with it. I think if the boxes were smaller that would not be a problem - but then the boxes would be to small for much. I should have the prototype finished this weekend and will post pics. Thanks for asking.


Maybe you could imbed a small rare earth magnet in the back edge of each drawer and a long thin metal strip inside the back to overcome the drag from the heavy drawer and hold the drawers in place that are not being pulled open, or something on that order.

Looking foreward to seeing it when it is finished.
