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View Full Version : Stanley "Liberty Bell plane"

steven c newman
06-05-2010, 11:50 PM
I have an older one of these. The original handle ( Tote?) was gone, so I used a handle from a "Great Neck" smooth plane. Is there a pattern out there for me to make a "replacement" that "fits" this old guy. The wood body is still "true", and the blade (original!) is still in great shape. This is, and will be a "user". What type of wood would I need for the handle?

David Myers
06-06-2010, 12:23 AM
Lee Valley has been kind enough to post templates for their own planes as well as Stanley #'s 2-8.


James Taglienti
06-07-2010, 11:26 AM
I have a liberty bell jack right here. ill sell you the handle for 5 bucks plus shipping if you'd like

Mark Dorman
07-13-2010, 10:14 AM
I have a #132 Liberty Bell Jointer Type 2 that has a broken tote and in reasearching I found that Beech is the wood type.
Here is a link to the study I found. http://richmondantiquetools.org/Liby%20Bell%20Type%20Study%20_2_.pdf

The Lee Valley #5 and up handle pattern matches very close to what I have on my plane.

steven c newman
07-14-2010, 3:40 PM
Just a picture of this plane: apparently, since I've already posted a picture elsewhere ( A few old users), there seems to be a problem posting it here.:confused: