View Full Version : Festool Is The Best, No Doubt

Mark Valsi
11-25-2004, 9:39 AM
You talk about great service !!

Let me tell you about BOB MARINO and Festool !

The sanding pad on my ES 125 Random Orbital Sander is loosing its grip, so I contacted Bob's web site and ordered it.

I emailed him and told him what I ordered. He told me I ordered the wrong thing, and he would change it for me.

The next day, my wife said, "You got something from the delivery man". I'm thinking what the heck is that ?? I didn't expect anything untill the Monday after Thanksgiving.

Lo and behold, there was the sanding disc pad !!

MAMMA MIA that's what I call fantastic service.

Guess who has me locked up as a coustomer ??? Thanks Bob !!

John Miliunas
11-25-2004, 11:21 AM
The "BEST"??? :confused: Oh, come now, Mark! Just because they happen to have some of the highest quality tools out there? So what if they have designers and engineers who actually think about the person using the tools and make them ergonomically fit? Does it really matter that they put long enough cords on their tools, which make them easier to use? I'm sure nobody out there could care less that my Festool cordless drill and sanders are the first ones I pick up when I have a choice! I'm sure it must be an accident that the accessories for their tools are also top notch, right on down to the sanding discs. Ahhhh, then there's Unca' Bob. So what if you can contact him personally on just about any given day of the week and that he actually replies to his emails. Puleeeeeezzz...Don't even ask about the nice little collection of Fes promotional mugs, T-shirts, etc..., which he drops on us from time to time. ALL OEM reps do that, right?! And, in respect to your experience, ALL manufacturers/vendors that I know, "always" take care of problems with a couple days. (Or weeks or sometimes months!) :eek:

Sheeeeesh, Mark. You find a vendor/OEM who does it the way it's supposed to be done and all of a sudden, they're the "BEST"??? Stretching it a bit, aren't you? :D :cool:

NOTE: For those who may be "new" to Festool or SMC, you will note that my tongue is planted firmly in cheek, here! :D