View Full Version : Such a wonderful day

Karl Card
06-05-2010, 10:21 AM
I, behind my wifes back, won a performax 16/32 with in/out tables, boxes upon boxes of sanding media and an open base cabinet for 500 dollars. I was happy.

Then I went to the wood shop. I had a spalted, wormy maple half log that I thought would make a good bowl. Well it splattered in the last few moments. No biggie I placed another bowl blank upon the lathe. A 10 inch piece of red elm. I was going to make a square bowl... things were going good and then i I got a little thin on the backside and all 4 legs popped off.... no worries though it will just make a regular bowl, right?!
finished the back side and started on the front and my brand new 223 dollar set of tools that have not been used hardly at all, well, the gouge caught a piece of knotted up wood in the red elm and believe it or "knot" the gouge broke in half... I am standing there at the lathe with a handle in one hand and the other half in my left hand...thinking how could this happen....

I at this point think it is time for a coffee break... go upstairs have 46 oz of coffee and make a few emails and then go back down to "hell"....

I started to saw a piece of walnut in half with my bandsaw....all the sudden it quit cutting.. I think the blade must have snapped... nooooooooooo the carriage bolt or whatever you want to call it that the bottom wheel rides on with the pulley, broke in half... over a piece of 4 inch thick walnut...

and then besides that i also had a piece of mahogany blow up, but it had a right to under what I put it thru...

better days ahead....I just hope woodcraft can warrnt the broken tool.

Steve Schlumpf
06-05-2010, 11:08 AM
Yikes! Sounds like a good day to stay away from power tools! Maybe go fishing?

Hope you are able to get your bandsaw repaired!

Bill Bolen
06-05-2010, 11:20 AM
Guess it's true....some days it doesn't pay to get out of bed. sorry about your day!

Scott Hackler
06-05-2010, 11:38 AM
There comes a point where you just shut off the radio, shut off the lights and go back in the house. You were more persistant than I would have been.

Reed Gray
06-05-2010, 12:00 PM
There are those days where you can't even seem to do wrong right. Maybe you should sand or clean up the shop. Or maybe tackle the honey do list.

robo hippy

George Guadiane
06-05-2010, 12:24 PM
Sorry to hear that you are having all of your "bad days" in such a big pile, but maybe it's clear sailing, after you fess up and the LOYL takes the hex off for not telling her.

Karl Card
06-05-2010, 1:12 PM
yes I did tell her... and to my surprise she only ask if it was going to be able to go down in the shop easily... luckily it will..

Woodcraft has to call corporate to see what they can do on the gouge because it is after 90 days, by about 2 weeks so we will see.
If I have to buy another I am buying a super heavy duty one this time.

John Hart
06-05-2010, 1:13 PM
Sorry to hear that you are having all of your "bad days" in such a big pile, but maybe it's clear sailing, after you fess up and the LOYL takes the hex off for not telling her.

That's what I was thinking. ;)

bob svoboda
06-06-2010, 10:40 AM
Rx--Barley Pop and a good book sitting in very warm water...Sorry about your bad day.

Charlie Reals
06-06-2010, 11:12 AM
I'da shut down and went to town for coffee shortly after the
spalted, wormy maple half log shattered.
For sure when the gouge broke lol

Dave Ogren
06-06-2010, 12:14 PM

Sorry to read about your disasters, that would start to make me a little gun shy for a day of two. I sure hope it straightens itself out and you don't get injured.

I saw in another post yesterday where you had mentioned The bigger the lathe, the bigger the disaster. I really hope that is not true. I have turned 20" dia. bowls by chucking in a 2 3/4" dia recess, and agressively boring out the interior with a 5/8" gouge at 600++ RPM. I hope that I didn't just jinx myself.

Good luck, I am sure that things will get better very soon.


John Keeton
06-06-2010, 12:38 PM
There comes a point where you just shut off the radio, shut off the lights and go back in the house. You were more persistant than I would have been.I happen to believe there are just days meant for something other than trying to accomplish something in the shop. After the second "warning sign", I shut down the shop, walk out, and do something where I can't get hurt or destroy something in the process.

Reed Gray
06-06-2010, 12:39 PM
Woodcraft should not have to call corporate about replacing the gouge. For one to break like that, means bad steel. No if, and or but about it.

robo hippy