View Full Version : Woodworking Books

Ken Higginbotham
06-04-2010, 6:34 AM
Next to actually building something my next 'like to' is books/reading on the topic. Done bought the few books at the local bookstore that looked interesting and magazines are expensive so... I was in the local library and zowie... They had a ton of books! Older ones, newer ones, all kinds. This will be my new favorite place for some time to come :)

Just an fyi :)

Darius Ferlas
06-04-2010, 7:05 AM
So there are actually useful books in libraries? Who wudda thunk! ;)

But seriously, many people simply forgot about libraries, which keep on making things better and easier. Most libraries offer Inter Library Loans, i.e. they will get for you pretty much any book for no charges or fees, bigger lirbraries even from overseas.

If you have no time to read books, check your library's website. They may have links to audio books. You'll likely need your library card and password, but after a few clicks and a few minutes of downloads. yo can listen to something you have no time to read, while driving or planing that piece of lumber.

Give them a visit, and don't forget to return the book a day or two too late. They'll appreciate the $0.50 late fee you'll pay for an $80 book.

Matthew Hills
06-04-2010, 8:48 AM
Libraries can also do an amazing job of getting specific titles for you through inter-library loans.

I feel very fortunate to live at the nexus of 3 pretty good library systems.
One of them even has a series of DVDs from Taunton:
Duginske's "Mastering your Bandsaw"
Klausz "Dovetail a Drawer", "Mortise and Tenon Joint"...
Mehler, "Mastering your Tablesaw" and "Build a Shaker Table"

And don't forget to check out the periodicals section. One carries FWW and Shopnotes. Another has FWW and Wood.


Jerome Hanby
06-04-2010, 11:42 AM
I use my local library branches to screen books before I buy. I like to have material on hand whenever I need it and that method is sure cheaper than buying off of Amazon and hoping for the best.

Dave Gaul
06-04-2010, 12:13 PM
Don't forget about used book stores too!

We have a couple around here... LOML frequents one and they have ww'ing books in stock often...

Jerome Hanby
06-04-2010, 12:20 PM
Don't forget about used book stores too!

We have a couple around here... LOML frequents one and they have ww'ing books in stock often...

That's lucky. All my wife ever finds in the shops around here are those 1001 weekend projects from 2x4s

Dave Gaul
06-04-2010, 12:31 PM
That's lucky. All my wife ever finds in the shops around here are those 1001 weekend projects from 2x4s

Last time I called, they didn't have much that I wanted, but they had more than just project books... It's a good idea to check though!