View Full Version : Another Way To Support Our Troops

George Summers
11-24-2004, 8:02 PM
My neighbor's son and his family are visiting for Thanksgiving and he was over in my shop this morning. He likes working with wood but has to work with hand tools and hand power tools. He said that he can't have any big tools as he transfers so often. I asked him about using the base craft shop and he said that most of them have been closed down. He is at Ft Knox in KY.

The thought crossed my mind that those who live near a military base could invite a woodworking serviceman to share his shop on ocassion. Of course I realize that there are all sorts of personalities out there and you wouldn't feel comforable unless you did some supervision but that can be worked out as you go along. You may even find someone who knows more than you. That wouldn't be hard in my case.

Just a thought.


Ed Falis
11-24-2004, 8:30 PM
That's a really fine idea, George.

- Ed

Jim Becker
11-24-2004, 9:04 PM
A very good idea, George. And I'm disturbed that the base shops are no longer available...health recreation is important to everyone's well-being and we should be providing for our service men and women in many ways, including supporting crafts like woodworking.

Kirk (KC) Constable
11-26-2004, 12:53 AM
Sad fact of the matter is that the facilities just weren't (aren't) used enough. I remember when the woodshop was free...then a token fee of 25 cents and hour, and I think it was near $2/hour last I was there a couple years ago. They're paying somebody(s) to be there manning the place, and there's no way the usage fees come anywhere near even making a dent in the cost of operation...let alone the investment of probably $50K in machinery for the better shops.

I'm all for MWR activities, but at some point there has to be a line. It's unfortunate for the guys and gals that lose 'their' shop, but it's just a tiny piece of the overall budget. Seems trivial to whine about the hobby shops closing down when so many retirees are getting the shaft from the military healthcare system.