View Full Version : Convinced

Ray Bell
06-02-2010, 9:34 AM
After much perusing on this forum, and a very informative, and helpful message from Tom Steyer at JTTurningTools, I have ordered a vacuum chuck system. This concept, just seems like a reliable, and fast solution. Hopefully it will replace the donut chuck in at least some situations.
I'm sure I will have some "dumb" questions while setting this up, so please be patiant :)

Paul Douglass
06-02-2010, 9:44 AM
Way to go Ray. I'm anxious to see how this works.

Ray Bell
06-02-2010, 9:51 AM
Paul, you are more than welcome to come over and use it to see for yourself in fact, you are more than welcome to come over and help design the system;)

Bernie Weishapl
06-02-2010, 10:37 AM
You are going to love it Ray. I have had mine for a few months now and would do it again. I actually back off the hold to about 18 to 20 hg as I have found you really don't need the 23 to 28 hg really.

Robert McGowen
06-02-2010, 11:13 AM
Once you use the vacuum system, you'll never be the same! It is so worth it. :D

Steve Schlumpf
06-02-2010, 11:15 AM
Looking forward to seeing photos of your system once you get it up and running! You'll love it!

bob svoboda
06-02-2010, 11:17 AM
Way to go Ray. I am still hoping to visit later this month and look forward to seeing what you have done.

Ray Bell
06-02-2010, 12:33 PM
Thanks all, and I will post photos. My lathe circuit board, and control panel are still in WV for repair. Who knows, I may have the vacuum system going before the lathe becomes operational again...but I hope not.

Bob, I hope you can make it by. Do you know the dates you will be in Pasco?

Tony De Masi
06-02-2010, 12:38 PM
Congrats Ray. Please post lots of photos too.


Ray Bell
06-02-2010, 4:07 PM
Wow, I placed the order this morning, and I just received a message it has been shipped. Pretty impressive service.

Thom Sturgill
06-02-2010, 5:28 PM
Wow, I placed the order this morning, and I just received a message it has been shipped. Pretty impressive service.
Tom Steyer does give good service and the fit and finish are first rate. You may still want to use the donut occassionally, in fact I just built one for my new lathe at the same time I was assembling the vacuum chuck. If the bowl or HF is too porous the VC might not hold, but it does work well.

Ray Bell
06-02-2010, 7:08 PM
Thanks Thom, I will keep this in mind.

Tom Steyer
06-02-2010, 11:18 PM
Ray and Thom,

Leaky bowls can be dealt with. If you have this problem, it will always be through the end grain (or the worm holes). This is why God and 3M gave us blue tape. A few strips over the end-grain areas of the bowl or HF will almost always cure the problem & provide a secure vacuum hold. You will rarely need a donut chuck.

Ray Bell
06-03-2010, 1:03 AM
Ray and Thom,

Leaky bowls can be dealt with. If you have this problem, it will always be through the end grain (or the worm holes). This is why God and 3M gave us blue tape. A few strips over the end-grain areas of the bowl or HF will almost always cure the problem & provide a secure vacuum hold. You will rarely need a donut chuck.

Thanks Tom, I will remember this.
I didn't know you participated in this forum. Since you do, I want to thank you publicly for the very informative message yesterday, and for the prompt shipment. Who knows, I may have this system built before my lathe is up and running again.